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  • I figured that, but going from 5500 to 7000 is a huge gap, maybe there is a more reliable setup to check the performances...i was thinking about setting upper and lower clock to the same level to make sure the phone runs at the speed i want, kill all other apps, etc... but you talked about some few tweaks and those can make a huge difference too. Also i read that the clock speed set within Broken Out Rom is no accurate and they were some people posting how to make some changes.... I might just wait for Broken Out V2. I was trying to check if i could use some expert advices to tweak my phone, while speed is not really the issue but the battery life...
    Hey Drac, sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family.
    Mobile Benchmarks aren't ever as reliable as a desktops. The thing to remember about technology now days is that the more you tax the processor the better it responds. Even in performance mode there's not a guarantee that you'll be accessing the processors full potential. Just because it's running @ 1.8ghz doesn't mean it's PERFORMING at 1.8Ghz.
    All in all everything that you do takes away from/adds to the processor in it's own way. There's not really a way to "get the highest score" as it'll fluctuate EVERY time you take it even in the exact same scenarios.
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