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  • I've noticed you're pretty knowledgeable and the T-Mo T989 forum is fairly dead, so I am messaging you directly. I think I've got a radio problem.

    So, I rooted a while ago and went from stock GB to Darkside ICS's latest version (I think. This was about a month ago). I noticed some slowdown and consistent large cache size with Darkside, so I flashed CM9's stable build (Hercules) and have been using it for a little under a week. Three days ago, I started getting poor signal. Calls were breaking up, and badly. I remembered I had flashed the Tmo UVLC8 ICS MODIFIED RADIO for Darkside, so I flashed the Tmo UVLE1 ICS MODIFIED RADIO. This made it so I couldn't even call out or hear when I received a call. I still had text and data, mind you, but that was it. So, I flashed the UVLC8 radio again, and I can make and receive calls, but the signal is terrible. My wife's phone works just fine. Any ideas? I've thought about unrooting and restoring, but I'd like to avoid stock.

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