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  • Hello visitor. I was surprised to see how many people had looked at this profile so I thought that perhaps I could be more informative.

    I'm an old hand with Linux (been there almost since the day it was born) and Unix before that. I have literally lost count of the number of computers I own but it's about 25 running Linux (Ubuntu and Debian), Solaris, Mac OS X and Windows 7 (which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole but it's a good gaming platform and my children are all gamers). The house is also littered with numerous other devices like NDS, PS2, PS3, iPad 2, iPod and probably a few I have forgotten.

    I hope I have been able to help you on this forum, if so, please thank my posts. If, on the other hand, you have been helping me, I thank you and will of course thank your post.
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