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  • Yeah, I remember is best as SiL on my Sony Ericsson Satio. Had a blast with it!
    Too bad about the news, but at least now I know and might quit bugging you in the Stair Dismount thread. :)

    And oh, I really thought I sent a private message. My bad.

    Thanks! See you, and keep rocking the Android Market!
    It's good to hear that there are people out there who still enjoy SPiN :)

    The bad news is that although the core of the original team who made the game are at Secret Exit these days, there's a contractual situation which will most likely prevent us from further working on SPiN (I don't know if you recall, the game was originally called SiL and published on Nokia S60 phones by a company called Fathammer).

    I don't think this particular visitor wall is a private forum, though :)
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