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  • Ah, I see. I'm not that into gadgets, but I don't think tablets have really hit it big here yet. I don't think I've seen one in person, and I'm at the airport a lot, which is where you tend to see all types of different mobile gadgets.

    I think ebook-readers are more common here than tablets, and even those aren't that popular yet, until this past Christmas where sales picked up.

    I guess people have different tastes varying by country. Until Apple makes tablets
    "cool" with their rumored "iTablet," I don't think anyone will give a crap about tablets. So you're kinda out of luck there. It's going to mostly be phones that people talk about here.
    I got my phone mid-November, saw the forums around Christmas-time, and joined a couple weeks ago. So not too long, but I love it here.
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