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  1. zoxxo

    The Walking Dead on DirecTV Rant

    So all of last season my DirecTV DVR would dutifully record The Walking Dead on Sunday night. As soon as I learned that the new season was starting up, I checked my DVR to make sure my settings were OK. I learned that for some odd reason, the DVR had pushed the recording to Friday night, even...
  2. zoxxo

    Help Fat fingered texting?

    Lately I've been feeling like a real klutz when I text. Lots of words wrong, and I constantly have to backspace or go back and correct my mistakes. I've tried Swiftkey 3 and the default keyboard that comes with the RAZR and I get the same results. So I'm wondering could my digitizer be out of...
  3. zoxxo

    4.1.2 fixes boot into recovery

    When I picked up my N7, it came with 4.1.1. Everytime I tried to boot into recovery, my N7 would hang up. I could never get into recovery unless I used my PC, the Android SDK, and ADB. I flashed my N7 up to 4.1.2 last night and it appears they've fixed the boot issue. I can get into recovery...
  4. zoxxo

    Google Voice questions

    I'm getting ready to dump my home phone service and I have a few questions about Google Voice. - Can I port my landline number over to Google Voice? - I already have a GV account, if the number can be ported, can they change my GV phone number to my ported number? Would there be advantages...
  5. zoxxo

    Capture Picture from Street View?

    Does anyone know if it's possible to capture the picture from Google Street View? There are a few businesses that I would like to use the picture of the business building in my address book.
  6. zoxxo

    Help Voicemail in Default Cardock

    In the past couple of months since the ICS release, I remember hitting the voicemail button in the default cardock, and getting a menu from my visual voicemail app. Tonight I hit the button and it started to dial my voicemail number. I dug throught the settings and I can't seem to find any...
  7. zoxxo

    I had a scare this evening

    I came home this evening, and I thought I had my N7 zipped into it's case. My tablet slipped out of the case and dropped about 3 feet to the floor and landed face down. I have seen enough internet drop tests to have my heart stop on the spot, but I got lucky, and the tablet was undamaged...
  8. zoxxo

    Help GPS Acquisition Weirdness

    My DRM used to acquire satellite lock pretty fast, at least in the first 15-30 seconds. Lately it's been taking around 1.5-2 minutes to get a lock. Has anyone else seen this issue and can suggest a possible solution? I've reset my phone at least three times since ICS released, so I'm hoping that...
  9. zoxxo

    Help N7 weird keyboard issue

    I have one of the newer Linksys routers with apps that allow me to manage the router from anywhere as long as I have internet access. I'm having a weird issue when I attempt to login into the app. I enter my user name and when I attempt to enter my password the program crashes and exits. I...
  10. zoxxo

    Looking for a good Medication Manager

    I've seen a couple old posts, but I thought I would see if there was anything newer. I take a handful of pills every morning and I'd like a decent app to track my medications and remind me of what to take. It would also have doctor and pharmacy info. It's the kind of app when you go into the...
  11. zoxxo

    Help N7 landscape mode?

    Is there any reason why I can't get the N7 into landscape mode? Or am I missing something?
  12. zoxxo

    Definition question: What is OTG?

    I see it a lot in posts like OTG Droid, or OTG cable, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out what the letters stand for... :confused: Thanks!
  13. zoxxo

    Help N7 won't boot in recovery

    So I scored the last N7 at my local Staples the other day and I am truly enjoying this tablet. So easy to use, fast, and very customizable. It's replacing a Kindle Fire, which as already started to form dust on the view screen. ;) On to my issue. I tried to boot into recovery today, but after...
  14. zoxxo

    N7 8GB vs. 16GB?

    Money's tight these days, but the lure of the N7 is great. I plan on selling off a few gadgets to fund the purchase. But I'd like your feedback on which version to get. If you made the purchase, did you get the 8 or 16GB version? If you got the 8GB version, do you find your experiece...
  15. zoxxo

    So, do you name your phone?

    I use to call mine "Scooter" but now it gets called a POS when it gets to slow or doesn't do what I want it to do... ;)
  16. zoxxo

    FAQ addition request

    Two things I would really like to see in the forum FAQ's: 1) How to embed a Youtube video 2) How to setup a post with a poll. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to do these two things. Thanks!
  17. zoxxo

    Help ICS lock screen too aggressive?

    This is not a gripe, but more of an observation. If I'm doing something wrong, or if I've missed a setting, I hope someone will correct me. One thing I miss about Gingerbread is that when I dropped the phone into a dock (car or home) it would immediately go into the menu program that I had...
  18. zoxxo

    Help Is a dual bluetooth connection possible on the RAZR?

    I have bluetooth in my car, but it doesn't support a2dp connections. I have the ability to add a2dp support through my car stereo, but I only want a2dp through the stereo and not a hands-free connection if I can help it. Does anyone know if the RAZR will allow me a simultaneous connection with...
  19. zoxxo

    Print directly from the phone

    I don't know if anyone noticed this, but the ICS upgrade brought an option that allows you to connect and print directly from your phone. I have two printers at home and was able to get my phone to connect and print to the newer wifi enabled inkjet. Sadly the older laser printer is not supported...
  20. zoxxo

    Help Wipe internal memory?

    So I'm having a few minor issues after the ICS upgrade and I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and cleaning out my internal memory. Would there be any reason why I wouldn't select all and delete what's there, and then add back what I want from a back-up? I consider myself an advanced user, but...
  21. zoxxo

    Help ICS: Changing slide unlock apps?

    Has anyone figured out how to change the app shortcuts in the ICS slide unlock screen? It would make my day if I could change the default text and camera apps to the text and camera apps of my choice... Thanks! Eric
  22. zoxxo

    Tripod mount for the MAXX?

    Has anyone found or use a Tripod mount for the MAXX? I don't want anything that is astronomically expensive, but I do want something that will allow me take that occasional shot where steadying is required. I have the tripod, just need the mount. Thanks! Eric
  23. zoxxo

    Does anyone with an Android phone actually use VZ Navigator?

    I feel the urge to ask this question, and I'm not doing it to knock on anyone that does, but does anyone with an Android phone use VZ Navigator? And if you do, can I ask why? I'm asking because if Verizon is pushing upgrade fees and usage fees on us, could we push back and say why are you...
  24. zoxxo

    Tasker vs. Smart Actions

    So I'm wondering if there are any Tasker users that have moved over to Smart Actions? I like and use Tasker, but I'm always on the lookout to learn something new, and to see if there something that can do more. (I wanted to make this into a poll, but I couldn't figure out how to make the poll...
  25. zoxxo

    Help Blank SDHC card????

    So my X has recently started reporting that I have a blank SDHC card installed. When I attempt to view the contents, I get a warning that I have an unformatted card and do I want to format the card now. Anyone else have this happen? Anything I can do to restore the card and the contents...