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  1. D

    Help Am I being throttled by Sprint?

    Is anyone else having a problem streaming media over 3G? When I'm streaming the connection will drop repeatedly. The 3G icon will drop off and I'll have no internet connection. I thought it was just iheartradio, but TuneIn Radio and Audiogalaxy do the same thing. It's only started happening the...
  2. D

    Has anyone had a problem with their widgets distorting?

    It's happened to a few of my widgets, where I'll get lines combing through the width of the widget?
  3. D

    Everyone needs to watch this, and pass it on RE: The Patriot Act

    YouTube - ‪Rand Paul on Extension of the Patriot Act: 05/23/11‬‏ I don't particularly like Rand Paul or his politics, but what he says in the video above about the Patriot act is very true and damning. If you agree with video, post it on whatever forums you frequent. We need...
  4. D

    Can someone post the teleport notification sound? please

    very much appreciated :)
  5. D

    Accessories Any places beside ebay to get the 2x battery with the travel charger?

    any place? :)
  6. D

    Why don't they make batteries hot swappable?

    Make an internal battery to run on, and a battery you can slide in and out like a SD card so you don't have to keep shutting down, restarting the phone and pulling off the battery cover just cause your phone has bad battery life.. aren't cameras this way? I could swear my kodak was like this.
  7. D

    For those in search of an EVO.. a couple suggestions

    So if you're like me, tired of waiting or fustrated that none of the local Best Buys, Radioshack or Sprint store have none in stock, a couple suggestions below. 1) Check Craigslist and put out a wanted ad, or check periodically throughout the day for any new ads. Believe me, you have to be...
  8. D

    To my fellow South Florida people, picked up 4G signal in Pembroke Pines!!

    Just driving through Pembroke Pines picking up my girl from work, got a 4G signal. I couldn't connect to the network, just said 4G network available. Hopefully this means 4G will go live soon!!