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  1. S

    Questions about upgrading

    I'm very interested in getting the Atrix, but I'm really confused about the upgrading thing. When I called in to ask about getting the Atrix for the $200 price, I was told that I could upgrade on March 14th. The reason I'm confused, though, is when I go to the AT&T website and go to "check...
  2. S

    I am an iPhone 3GS user, what am I going to miss switching to Android/Why should I?

    Before I had a phone, I had a first generation iPod Touch, jailbroken from day one. When I did get a phone, I got an iPhone 3G (so yeah, I'm on AT&T), also jailbroken. I then upgraded to the 3GS about a year ago. What I love about the iPhone is the wide variety of apps, and the jailbreak...