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  1. S

    Root Theme messed up Droid X

    Hey there X users, :) I'm usually on the Triumph forums but my girlfriend's Droid X won't boot up. It happened after I put a CM9 theme on Liquid Smooth (I know... should've read more...) but now the screen is flickering at the lock screen and we can't get past it. How can I hard boot into...
  2. S

    Guitar to Phone?

    So I have a question for all you Triumph users. :) EVO 4G or not? Ha just kidding mods ;) Anyway, I've been itching to record lately but I haven't gotten around to putting OSX on my computer. But, MAYBE, with some adaptors, is there anyway I could record straight into the phone?
  3. S

    Help SD Card Question

    I have a question for all of you. Is it safe for me to boot up a ROM on one SD card then swap it out for another with music, photos, apps, etc.?