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  1. I

    Root Does Anyone Have Any Post Root Battery Advice?

    I rooted this phone and I'm not using a custom rom(yet) but the battery life is still terrible. I deleted all of, or at least most of the bloatware. Anyways, my question is if anyone has any advice for what I could do. Would it be best to load a rom?
  2. I

    Help Please HELP. Problem With Music

    I recently purchased a used MT4GS. I love everything about the phone except for one insanely irritating problem. When skipping through songs on any music player, there is an awful lag. Sometimes it skips a little in the middle of songs but mostly it will just completely freeze for about ten...
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    G2x Stock SMS App

    Ok, so I rooted my G2x a few months back and have since not been able to receive picture messages or any form of MMS and I think it's due to the fact that I deleted the stock SMS app in favor of Go SMS Pro. The problem is that I didn't back the app up and every apk download I've found won't...
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    Tasker Help With Notificiations

    Hello all! I have a T-Mobile G2x running Gingerbread and as most of you probably know, it has no LED notification. I've been using NOled but I really don't like it. I was told Tasker has similar notification replication abilities but I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to make them...