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  1. M

    Help Early adopter question about issues vs later models?

    So I've had my Droid since launch and I'm curious if any other users, early adopters or not ever experience these issues: Laggy slow interface (this was fixed for me by the first Android patch) Car Navigation mode frequently shuts\locks the screen, or returns to the previous screen before...
  2. M

    Meebo IM app appears to be fixed

    There were some posts a while back about Meebo constantly disconnecting. After running the recent update I saw earlier today it appears to be holding my connection to three different IM accounts just fine.
  3. M

    Help Manually check for updates for apps?

    I just had something weird happen to me. I went into the notification bar to see I had two updates for apps that I have. However only a second or two after the notification window was up it suddenly disappeared and kicked me back to my home screen. When I returned to the notification window...
  4. M

    Sending SMS text messages to multiple contacts problem.

    I've been sending SMS messages just fine, however recently I tried sending a text message to two contacts, and one of them never received anything. However when trying to send a message to that same person only, it worked fine. Has anyone else heard or had this happen to them? :confused:
  5. M

    Contact pics are low resolution (about half what they should be)

    Does anybody know of a fix for this? I can use a contact photo source which is very good resolution. However after applying it to a contact, even if I expand the crop square to full size the contact picture displayed while calling is a half the resolution it should be, as I see very visible...
  6. M

    Technical Question about Wallpapers

    So I have read a lot on wallpapers but one thing still throws me. I size a desktop image, or download a premade one which is the specified size for Droid desktops. 960x800. However when I attempt to use them on my Droid it always wants to crop the image with some crop field significantly...
  7. M

    Funny contact list bug

    I deleted retried this multiple times and it kept happening. Curious if any other Droid users have this happen with theirs. I entered all my contacts manually when I bought it. On my contact list I have two people named on the list as "John" and another as "Johnny". No matter how many times I...