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  1. P

    Root Quick Question I swear!

    Hey, I am picking up a streak of someone on craigslist and he says it occasionally doesnt start properly and gets stuck at the dell logo. With a battery pull it will start up fine (the phone will be working when i meet him) and I am just wondering if theres a way to revert the streak to a stock...
  2. P

    Root Rooting and updating problem/question

    Hey so i was following the steps to root and update my milestone, however I am stuck on getting into the root menu, when i hold down the x button, camera and volume up I just get to a black screen which says boot loader 90.74, battery ok, ok to program, transfer mode : USB. I am still searching...
  3. P

    Root Reset question

    Hey, quick question for you samsung guys out there, i have the bell vibrant, unlocked and rooted. I used the one click root, and now am looking to reset the phone to factory settings. Is it safe to do it through the standard method (going to privacy and resetting) or can that make the phone...
  4. P

    Calling Dell Streak Owners!!

    Hey, so I flip flop phones a lot, and have been offered a dell streak for my samsung galaxy vibrant. How do you guys find it? It looks identical to my vibrant (except size). The size is the only thing that will take getting used to in my opinon, but from your owners experience, how is the...
  5. P

    Root Unlocking after root

    Hey, so I am trying to unlock my bell vibrant, and so far have successfully rooted the phone. However when i run SGS unlock or try to use the generate windows unlock code download, it only comes back with errors. The phone is running froyo if that helps. If anyone has any ideas its greatly...
  6. P

    Bell Vibrant

    Hey, so i just purchased a bell vibrant, next step is to unlock! Do you guys know of any trustworthy online unlocking sites? If so let me know which are good to go (im a little offput by simply googling unlocking companies who want credit cards!). Thanks
  7. P

    Clockwork question

    So I just bought a liquid e from someone and tried to do the update to the official update to 2.2 I ran into an issue. the previous owner must have rooted it using work mod and I can't seem to update it. is there a way to unroot it and put it back to stock? its with Rogers in Canada if that...
  8. P

    screen question

    Hey, I have a quick question about the screen and its quality. I have owned a hero, liquid e and xperia x10, and am wondering how the screens resolution and detail compares. Is it better then the heros? That's my main question as that was the worst phone I had due to the low quality of the...
  9. P

    Hello all

    Hey, so i notice a lot of negative topics under this board, so have an honest question. Is the x10 worth me trading my blackberry for? I have used android devices before (htc magic and samsung galaxy). Put a custom 1.6 galax0 on the galaxy and just want to check if the x10 is terribly dated...
  10. P

    Help Quick Question

    Hey, so i bought a galaxy I7500 yesterday, and it is running 1.5. I am in canada and the phone is unlocked (i am using it with WIND mobile) and am wondering if there is an official update to different version of android ( i had the magic before and it was all just done for me). Also does...
  11. P

    Help Help with text messages

    Hey, so loving the magic so far, but i keep having one recurring problem, sometimes when i am typing a text message and i hit the space bar my cursor goes up out of the text writing area and into the previous sent messages area. Sometimes it does it after every word and sometimes it doesnt and...
  12. P

    Help Quick Question before signing 3 years

    Hey, so i have a few questions before i sign onto a 3 year with Rogers, the questions i have are is the magic 3g or 3.5g?? On the rogers site it is advertised as 3.5g but in store they told me it was 3g. The next question i have is the hero interface is it avaiable through HTC as a real update...