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  1. tiredhiker

    WANTED! An Easy SMS Delete program

    Its nice that Google Mail now has a box where you can check and then delete that mail but what about SMS / Text mesasages? It takes me a LONG time to press down on each message then scroll through the list this I find "Delete this message" then to do it all over again 50 plus times to clean my...
  2. tiredhiker

    Weather & Time Widget on G1 HOW!!!

    Where do I get one of those beautiful weather & Flip Time Widgets to put on my G1 ? A Free one would be better since I can not download paod apps... Think they would have fixed that by now.. I think there are many looking for this Widget. It's NICE!
  3. tiredhiker

    How Do I Dial An Extension?

    How Do I Dial An Extension? I can not figure it out... Many businesss like calling a Credit Card company needs lots of numbers being pushed. I am using sipdroid with Gizmo5 which makes it even harder. How do I dial an extension once I have connected?
  4. tiredhiker

    Google Earth / Maps Blocked?

    I want to take my daughter for a week to Con Dao Vietnam. Its a beautiful island also known as Poulo Condor. For some reason its just a blur... No details at all. Why ???
  5. tiredhiker

    Google Wave, worth a look...

    New app coming soon. Worth a look: Google Wave Preview But will it have Flash?
  6. tiredhiker

    SIPDroid Set-Up Help

    I am trying to set up SIPDROID G1 Application but it is confusing. I registered with 12voip: SIP port : 5060 Registrar : sip.12voip.com Proxy server : sip.12voip.com Outbound proxy server : leave empty Account name : your 12Voip username Password : your 12Voip password Display...
  7. tiredhiker

    Hello Yahoo.... Hello, where are you?

    What happened to Hello Yahoo? It worked great... Anyone know where I can download it from ? Its no longer in "My" market place.... Thanks
  8. tiredhiker

    SMS "UNAVAILABLE" Will NOT Uninstall

    I have tried twice to uninstall this program but it is still working. Logo is gone but its still working. Yes I rebooted even took the battery out for 2 min. I even uninstalled the SMS Pop Up program I like because maybe it is using its code. But its still there poping up every time I get a...
  9. tiredhiker

    To Overseas G1 Users: What VOIP Program do u use?

    I work in Vietnam and I am looking for a VOIP program that is REALLY a VOIP program. Seems that most of these programs are just a scam... Skype will not work from here. Iskoot will dial a US Number to connect to Syype so I can pay Skype to connect my call ! What a Joke. So far it looks like I...
  10. tiredhiker

    Flash 10 lite

    What happened to the promise of getting FLASH 10 LITE on our G1's ??? Come on we NEED FLASH !!!!
  11. tiredhiker

    TruPhone. Does it work for you?

    I have been going through all the VOIP programs but none seem to work for me as I am in Vietnam. Raketu will work but its more of a call back service and they want 18 cents a minute. If I connect to their website over WIFI then I am already in the USA and cost should be 1 cents a minute BUT that...
  12. tiredhiker

    Raketu vs Skype & other VOIP Programs

    Raketu has a online program for G1's at Raketu Android - Log In BUT when I tried to use it it wants to call my phone. Is this a Call back service? Website says 1 cents to call the USA but when I tried it wants 17 cents a minute so I tried a 1 800 number and again it wants 17 cents a minute. If...
  13. tiredhiker

    New! ASTRO can read HTML with Graphics!

    New! ASTRO file manager can now read / show HTML with Graphics! Now I can use a PC (still not my phone but browswers fault not ASTRO's) to download a website and put it on my sdcard. With ASTRO I can now read the HTML, change anything I need to in a notepad program, then with ASTRO display it as...
  14. tiredhiker

    Install JAD / JAR

    I am trying to install MIG33 a jad/jar application. So far I can not install it. How do we install a JAD/JAR application program???
  15. tiredhiker

    Help Remove T-Mobile From Boot Screen

    How do I remove T-Mobile from my start/boot screen? I would like to change it to Google / G1 instead of T-Mobile / G1. Maybe there are more of us T-Haters out here.... My phone is not rooted. I am in Vietnam and would not do that myself but would let a phoine shop do it if there were more G1's here.
  16. tiredhiker

    Any FAX Programs?

    Does any G1 program do FAXs? I need to send a FAX. I would think I should be able to send and recieve a FAX on my G1....all I need is the program...
  17. tiredhiker

    I Want PacMan

    Seems because I am in Vietnam I can not get the Free Pacman game in fact I can not even get the paid one either. NO paid apps show in my Market. If anyone can send it too me my eamil is r2repro(at)gmail.com thanks
  18. tiredhiker

    Better Programs

    I do not consider my G1 to be a phone. My old second hane Nokia 6100 was a better phone because it was so small and light weight. Why I bought the G1 is because I consider my G1 to be a Mini LapTop. BUT we need better program for it. I need a graphic program like the Paint Shop Pro 4 where I can...