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  1. J

    Help 2 quick questions....

    Hi all. Just 2 quick questions. 1. I see you can store things on your phone or the "external" SD card. Is there things I should not store on either one? 2. Just to get it straight in my head, do some of these ROM's have the kernel in them or once you download a ROM you also need to find...
  2. J

    For those of who who switched from iPhone...

    Hi all. I just purchased the GS2 from Ebay. Pretty much my first Android I guess. I'm looking for some apps that are comparable to the ones from iPhone. For instance...is there an app like Lockinfo that will give me all my info on my lockscreen? An app like Irealsms that I can just text...
  3. J

    Root ROM versions

    I see a lot of info and vids on different ROMS. In regards to the HTC Aria, Is there a difference between CyanogenMOD, CM6, Liberated.....Sorry if its a silly question. Just keep seeing people saying they are running this one or that one. Not sure if they are all different.
  4. J

    New member....maybe new phone..

    Hello everyone! Well like it says I'm a new member. Wasn't sure where to post this so i hope this is the spot. At the moment i have an iphone ( go easy on me). I'm looking to get away from it! I have been looking at the HTC Aria. Looks like a very nice phone and from what i have read here...
  5. J

    Just another New Guy

    Hi all. This is such a great forum! Well Ive been reading up a lot here. Looking to get my first Android phone. From Union, NJ! Yay for me! Ummmm..yeah thats about it.