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  1. soapinmouth

    Verizon says inc far from dead

  2. soapinmouth

    omg laughed so hard iSheep

    YouTube - iPhone4 vs HTC Evo The thing that makes it funny is I meet people exactly like this all the time and I bet you all do too. Edit: my bad fixed
  3. soapinmouth

    Flash support

    Am I going to be able to get any flash support on my X on launch, or am I going to have to wait until the end of summer? I know on my incredible I got a flash and with a handy hacked apk from 2.2 I got full flash support, but from what I can tell i wont even get flash light on the X is that right?
  4. soapinmouth

    Please convince me

    I have the incredible my dad said he'd buy me the x when it comes out if I give him my inc. I keep flip flopping can't make up my mind I'm scared im going to miss the amoled colors or sense or the optical pad or the phone will be too big and uncomfortable in my hand. I have decent sized hands...
  5. soapinmouth

    Droid x 2.2 before Inc?

    Will the droid X get 2.2 before the incredible? Droid set for Android 2.2 in July, and Droid X to follow? | Android Central Says X is getting it next month. I'm thinking about picking up this phone solely because of froyo and it seems the inc is getting kicked under the rug and loosing support...
  6. soapinmouth

    Help export scene?

    Is there anyway to export my scene so I can use it again when I get my phone replacement? dropped my inc and screen shattered, but have insurance.
  7. soapinmouth

    Omg holy **** quick desk

    If you haven't seen this app yet I highly recommend it, this kind of app is why I got a 1ghz phone and android. Just search quick desk on the market its the top app on appaware right now and for good reason, this is definitely one off those apps u get to show off to friends and it really makes...
  8. soapinmouth

    If you could get a moto x for free...

    So my dad said if I give him my incredible he'd buy me a moto x using his upgrade, so I'm stool on the fence about it not sure if its worth losing sense and the amoled screen. So my first question is what are the differences ui wise, does stock android integrate your contacts with facebook via...
  9. soapinmouth

    fLASH 10.2 on htc sence! (not lite)

    Adobe Flash on the HTC Evo -- 10.1 full, not lite | Android Central Works on the evo should work on the inc, or is this that same fake one from a few weeks back? edit:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6569529&postcount=16 Yah works boots up games in miniclip and everything...
  10. soapinmouth

    Front facing camera verizon phone?

    Since even the new motorola x wont have a front facing camera. Is There any verizon phone they will within a month? My dad needs a new verizon phone but he only has a month so im thinking the incredible is the best choice.
  11. soapinmouth

    Help Launcher Pro Questions

    1)Is there any way to keep my widget placement/icon/folder placement when I load up LP? 2)Is there any way to disable Launcher pro without installing it so I can go back to my sense home screen with previous icons and widgets? 3) is there any way to do a scene like feature like in sense so I...
  12. soapinmouth

    Help Droid 2 boot animation

    Does anyone have the new droids boot animation for download? in format to per Put on my incredible?
  13. soapinmouth

    Help Scenes and launcher

    Can I set up my incredible to have a scene.with sense and.a scene with adw launcher or will it change all my scenes when i install it?
  14. soapinmouth

    Help 1x or nothing.. WTH?

    Randomly today my phone started getting 1x bars or bars with nither 1x or 3g next to it, Ive tried restarting ym phone several times turning wifi on off, airplane on off, mobile network on off. really hard to get calls through and cant get any internet service. Something funny though if I go...
  15. soapinmouth

    Help Lakers vs celtics live

    Anyone know a stream working for the incredible to play the finals games live?
  16. soapinmouth

    root and still update?

    Im still slightly confused on the subject of rooting. all I want to be able to do is wifi tether on my incredible. Can you root without having a different rom? or do you have to use a new one to get the permissions for apps such as wifi tether? basically, can I get wifi tethering while still...
  17. soapinmouth

    Accessories In case Car mount with camera

    So theres this little thing called drive that was just released and it looks AWESOME. Just showed it to a couple friends and they're all super jealous of my incredible <3 Wikitude Drive AR nav app beta announced, available in Android Market (video) -- Engadget I was just wondering...