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  1. jbuck1984

    Help unable to send picture text message

    Looked through forums and got 2 answers. First, quick settings bug, however I have never dl'd quick settings. Second was an HTC bug that was being worked on. Can anyone confirm any of this, and if they have had picture txt problems is there a fix other than factory reset? Thanks!
  2. jbuck1984

    Help Stock or App for linking other adroid/inc users

    My buddy just got an inc and I thought there was a way you can link up phones through the google service for like a private chat that is not txt message. Am I wrong? Is there n e thing like that?
  3. jbuck1984

    Moto X Pics

    Damn, its huge! Motorola Droid X - Engadget Galleries So has anyone noticed how the cellphone markets go from big to small to big to small to big to small. What is the happy medium? I know, the DRinc! In all seriousness I enjoy my incredible, but am so excited for my 2 year contract to...
  4. jbuck1984

    Google Pulled back an App and canceled my order

    I ordered password manager for dolphin browser HD2, they pulled back the app refunded my money and said this, "Thank you for using Google Checkout. In an ongoing effort to provide a safe purchasing environment, Google reviews orders on a regular basis. For your security, we've cancelled the...
  5. jbuck1984

    Help slowdown of keyboard vert to horizontal

    has anyone noticed a slowdown in switching from vertical to horizontal... its making me crazy
  6. jbuck1984

    recent Incredible article on Engadget

    Well its really not an article, but an open discussion on how to improve the incredible. "What would you change about the HTC Incredible" It's rather counterproductive on Engadget's part. I figure I would report so the "real" community can add some balance to the Engadget post and so there...
  7. jbuck1984

    Root 2 questions regarding root

    Is froyo available for a rooted phone yet. I have looked around and it appears there is still no way to unroot?
  8. jbuck1984

    Root Root Feed Back-success report

    Well I am certainly not going to be the first to try and brick I mean root my phone. However if you did achieve root, post here and give us feed back on the experience!
  9. jbuck1984

    Iphone 4 announced, I still rather the incredible

    Check out Full coverage at Engadget.com From what I read it sports 5mp camera, plus a front facing camera. still no widgets. No 8mp Cam... Honestly its a nice phone but doesn't blow inc out of the water by any means. Especially when we get froyo.
  10. jbuck1984

    Crusade of Destiny finally on the dinc

    I know there was an issue with downloading this game, but I was able to finally get it. If you can't find it on the market you can definitely find it on app brain. The game is definitely awesome.
  11. jbuck1984

    Food for thought for handling thread moves...

    OK, just a suggestion, but I started a post that lived on the main wall for less than a half hour that could have benefited much of the INC community. Before moving items to troubleshooting, why don't you give the post a chance to be viewed and commented on and completely worked through...
  12. jbuck1984

    Help Folder Management

    On the inc when you go to add icons you can add folders. I started a new folder and put some of the inactive games I'm really not playing at the moment. Currently I see no way to rename the folder... Anyone know how to rename folders?
  13. jbuck1984

    Good Contacts Widget

    I love the Inc one, but it takes up to much room and I really want a widget this is horizontal rather than vertical. Any suggestions?
  14. jbuck1984

    Whoever started the root thread I think Acidbath

    Hey, is there a place I can keep looking for these updates. I really liked reading the updates, to bad people ruined it. Is there an email list I can get on or another good sourced forum? I'm really let down that the community couldn't play nice. PM me and I would be happy to give an email...
  15. jbuck1984

    Help Concerned about the lens?

    So I noticed a small spec of dust under my camera lense cover. It was driving me nuts so I pulled apart my phone to see how easy that lense was to pop off. Well, it's super easy to pull off. It's held together with 4 small drops of some sort of sticky rubber cement (w/e type is safe for...
  16. jbuck1984

    Dont forget to *228

    For all you guys who just got set up w/ verizon. Dont forget to *228 about once a month. My phone went from 2 bars to 3 bars at my work location.
  17. jbuck1984

    dolphin hd

    Just got to say.... this is an incredible app
  18. jbuck1984

    Post your Incredible UI

    I know this was started a while back but I couldn't find it. Now that everyone has been playing around with their phones all weekend lets see what you got. Note:Need help for my last page. It's going to be my games page primarily but I want a fun widget that takes up half a page. I...
  19. jbuck1984

    Navigator Question

    Is there a way to view the navigator without setting a destination. My old Garmin just had a map view and you could see "nav mode" while just driving around. I don't see an option for this with google nav.
  20. jbuck1984

    Help Toggle 3g incredible?

    I know I can turn 3g off in the menu, but is there an app that can do this via toggle? No need for it on while I'm working in front of the internet all day.
  21. jbuck1984

    Turn Of Lattitude inc battery helpful hint

    Over the weekend my battery was pretty good until I started playing with google maps. I accidently turned privacy on to lattitude and my battery was draining even though GPS was off. Lattitude will find you through tower location whcih uses cellular power! Much better this morning when I...
  22. jbuck1984

    Underclock CPU?

    Is there a way to underclock the inc? I'm thinking in doing this when I will be away from a computer for long periods of time.
  23. jbuck1984

    FYI Facebook stock inc was updated

    If you got your incredible and hate the facebook app because you couldn't check messages. Well they updated it, and I like it.
  24. jbuck1984

    Let's see your "Incredible" layout (Pun intended)

    I know this was started a while back but I couldn't find it. Now that everyone has been playing around with their phones all weekend lets see what you got. Note:Need help for my last page. It's going to be my games page primarily but I want a fun widget that takes up half a page. I...
  25. jbuck1984

    Droid Incredible Specific Apps

    Hoping we can start a thread with apps that were specifically made for the incredible. I know the gracious developers are still working, but it would be nice to see this as a sticky where they can post their work. The problem, well perhaps more of just a minor roadblock atm is most apps...
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