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  1. jbuck1984

    Help backup my inc

    I thought I heard something that inc did not need backing up as data is on the cloud. Is there anyway to backup to computer. I would like to try and keep my UI and apps all saved in case all goes to hell.
  2. jbuck1984

    incredible blue tooth voice command

    I haven't seen much on the incredible regarding voice command. I just bought the jawbone and would like to be as hand free as possible in the car but when I try to voice dial with the jawbone I get nothing in the incredible.
  3. jbuck1984

    Turning off vibrate while you text

    I have turned of the haptic touch, however when I text the phone still vibrates. Since I am an avid texter this has to be killing my battery and can not find a way to turn this off. Any Suggestions?
  4. jbuck1984

    google voice for the incredible

    Sorry in advance if this is in the wrong area. Is there anyone willing to invite me to google voice for my new incredible that I just got today! Send me a message if your willing and I will send a private message with my email. Thanks Again.
  5. jbuck1984


    So after many years of basic flip phones I am officially crossing over into the smart phone world. I guess you can say I wasn't into them as much as the technology wasn't quite right for me yet and there was no way I was buying a militant Apple Products...yuck.... So I get my HTC incredible...
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