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  1. J

    Help Wish stock camera worked like Goggles app

    I would LOVE if the stock HTC camera gave you the ability to take pictures the same way that the Google Goggles app works. Having a touch icon right on the screen which auto-focuses and snaps the shot is so convenient. I always end up shaking trying to click that little joystick and have to...
  2. J

    Help Gmail - Only syncing 1 way

    I'm noticing that when I get a message on my phone and opening it to mark as read, it isn't updating my gmail account online, at least not in a very timely fashion. The message just stays bolded as unread. I even tried refreshing my inbox by clicking on 'Mail' in gmail, and it still showed as...
  3. J

    Help GMAIL 2.3 in Market - Can't Install

    So I randomly noticed today that Gmail 2.3 is available in the market, which is the highest version I've seen anywhere. It shows up in my list of downloads, but doesn't show as 'Installed.' I'm currently running 2.2.1 on rooted Inc. When I click install, it says that it is unsuccessful. Do...
  4. J

    Root What will happen if...

    Some day, rooting a phone is no longer possible?! I feel like I've become addicted to all the features that come with being able to root a phone, as well as invested some $$ in to the 'root user only' apps. Definitely a preliminary thought by far, but how boring are our phones going to...
  5. J

    Root How do/Can you upgrade HBOOT?

    When I reboot in recovery, it looks like my HBOOT version in .77. Someone in one of the threads mentioned that .77 and .79 were floating around as the safe options. How can I upgrade HBOOT versions, and with everything running fine, is there any benefit to upgrading? I'm running unrevoked...
  6. J

    Root Newest Leak- Way to get ringtones?

    Hoping somene can possibly help me out with this. I updated to the newest leak version last night successfully, and it's the first time I've rooted. Might be a noob question, but it's kind of annoying how i lost all my ringtones and alerts for texts and stuff. The only option is 'Default...
  7. J

    SwiftKey Beta Keyboard in market

    Was formerly using Swype and loved it, but this new keyboard is legit! It practically reads your mind and predicts the next word for you before you even start typing it. Not sure if I'm going to stick with it yet, but definitely going to give it a dry run for a bit.