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  1. B

    Accessories 2000mAh batteries on ebay.....bull,,,,

    I bought one of these 2000 mAh batteries off ebay for the ultra cheap ($5) and after doing some not so scientific test found that it didnt last as long as the stock battery or as long as seidio 1750. so I pulled it out and decided to remove the pretty sticker to find a metal battery underneath...
  2. B

    Accessories Battery case for evo?

    I was in Tmobile today and I was looking at cases for the HD2 thinking that they might fit the EVO, actually I was looking for the old foam style body glove case and saw that they carry a battey case for the HD2 and it is only like 50 bucks. I hope that means that one for the EVO should be in...
  3. B

    Root I think my FROYO went bad....wireless tether doesn't work with any 2.2 roms!!!!!

    Like the the post says my wireless tether no longer works( at leat not fast ) with any of my 2.2 nandroid backup I have all the wireless thether downloads ( the 2.0.2 and all the 2.0.5 versions ) and they just stoped transfering or transfer really slow. By slow I mean it will take anywhere from...
  4. B

    Accessories Best Buy has 1750 mAh battery for evo!

    I have been searching fo week for that so called soon to be released (yeah right) battery booster case from HTC that never came as well as seeing if the extended HTC brand Droid Incredible battery from verizon would wedge in behind a case even without the stock battery door( it wont by the way)...
  5. B

    Root Swyper does swyping.

    Not sure if any one has successfully gotten swype to work on the evo after 2.2, but if it is possible can someone tell me how? Im running damage 3.5 with 3.7.8 kernel