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Search results

  1. knickerbocker

    E-mail Signature

    I have a gmail e-mail signature set, but cannot figure out how to add one for my exchange account. Any help?
  2. knickerbocker

    Wallpaper Size Question

    So I am getting a Droid on Friday. The screen size is 480x854. If I make a wallpaper that is 1440 x 854, will it shown that wallpaper in thirds so the first third is on home screen to the left, the second on the main home screen, and the last third is on the home screen to the right. I was...
  3. knickerbocker

    Droid vs RIM Blackberry Storm 2

    Comparing the two newest phones from VZW. I have a Blackberry right now and it has been good, but I am ready to step it up a notch with a Droid.
  4. knickerbocker

    Mobile Burn Review

    I thought this was a good review and has some good details on the different features of the phones.
  5. knickerbocker

    Pre Orders?

    No one at my local VZW knew when preorders where going to be available. Anyone have any luck on your end?