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  1. iawd1

    Slide Screen Home Replacement

    Slight Update: Now using Slide Screen. Love its simplicity, and the ability to have all in one screen. it'd be nice if they allowed you to change wallpapers, and/or the side color rainbow thing. But all in all I love it. And Im not complaining. Go to Slide Screen by Larva Labs Or search it in...
  2. iawd1

    Can you have a separate wallpaper for lock screen and a different one for the others?

    Basically have a different wallpaper for the lock screen...? Possible?
  3. iawd1

    EXACTLY, which app/widget is this? [Image inside]

  4. iawd1

    EXACTLY, which app/widget is this? [Image inside]

    Thought it looked INTERESTING and I want my phone to have it.... Is this like open home? Someone have any answers?
  5. iawd1

    Manually Sync Contacts to Facebook?

    Is there a way to manuallt do this?
  6. iawd1

    Is There An Application To Rename Attachments During "Copy Attachment To SD Card"?

    Curious if there is a way I can rename the file before it saves to my sd card? Say I get a photo message, and I want to name it "dog" is there a way I can do it? outside of Astro Viewer
  7. iawd1

    Havign Problems Sending Photo to Contact through Gallery

    Basicallyeverything works find when I'm already texting a contact and chose to "attach".. however, when I go into gallery, pick the photo and decide to send to a contact, and type in their name, SOME of their names work, but it wont show all contact. say if I have three ashleys. Ashley A...
  8. iawd1

    Is There a Text Translator Application? [Spanish, French]?

    Something where I can copy and paste the translated result instead of "Talk To Me" where I can only hear it?
  9. iawd1

    How is everyone getting Seven Screens with OpenHome?

    Okay I downloaded OpenHome, now curious as to how I go about getting more than the three screens. I've searched, but found minimal information as to how to do it...
  10. iawd1

    How is everyone getting Seven Screens with OpenHome?

  11. iawd1

    Facebook Chat/ Meebo

    I've noticed that my Facebook chat rarely stays logged in on MeeboIM app. Is it something I'm doing wrong? I use the "talk" google thing for one of my accounts [not tied to my facebook], then my facebook tied to another. How can I get it to stay logged in?
  12. iawd1

    Question About Gallery & Folders [Organization wise]

    I have a particular folder titled "vacation", where I have all my photos from each individual place I've been. I've also downloaded the application "File Cover" [but we'll get back to that later] So the "Vacation" folder has individual sub folders: NY, Miami, Beijing, Canada...etc. When I...
  13. iawd1

    Another App like Photo Vault? [Stash away personal photos]

  14. iawd1

    Another App like Photo Vault? [Stash away personal photos]

    I downloaded Photovault, thinking that it would give me the ability to go and hide particular photos, and it hasnt worked. I plugged my droid to the computer and dropped the photos in the "private" folder, however, they still show up in "Gallery", and are visible and do not need a password...