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  1. D

    Apps JNI/NDK Difficulty linking libraries

    I am writing an android app that wants to make JNI calls into a shared library built in using the NDK. The trick is this shared library calls functions provided by OTHER shared libraries. The other shared libraries are C libraries that have been compiled elsewhere. Here's what I've tried...
  2. D

    Soooo... wasn't the Nexus 10-2 supposed to be announced today?

    anybody know what happened?
  3. D

    charge and aux cable?

    I purchased a car mount kit for my Droid 3 a while ago. It contained a cable that was a micro usb on one end (for connecting to the phone) and both an Aux out and full size USB (for charging) on the other. This let me charge and play music at the same time. This cable has since broken and...
  4. D

    Apps Issue installing ADT on 32 Bit Juno only

    Hello all. I am having a hard time installing the ADT on Juno (32 bit only). I have 2 computers, both running Win7. one is a 32 bit system, one is a 64 bit system. Aside from choosing the 32 bit Eclipse package vs the 64 bit package, I have followed the following instructions on both...
  5. D

    Calendar Widget only shows tomorrow's events

    Does anybody else have this problem? My Calendar widget that comes with Android (Calendar) has been synched with my google calendar, but it only shows events for tomorrow, and even sends notifications for those events a full day early. Example: Today is Feb 11th. I have an event today (we'll...
  6. D

    Help Droid clears my home screen

    So every so often, my Droid clears my home screen. I'll turn it on and all my shortcuts and widgets are gone. Once I spent all the time getting my home screen back in place again and a few hours later it brought all my apps back. On top of the recreated home screen. Very strange. Anybody...