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  1. H

    Careful when you're out in the sun!

    I've had my s5 for about two months now. I just had to get it swapped out for a new one because I had bright blue spots showing up on my camera. When I Googled it, I saw a few others with different phones have had the issue and said it was camera sensor damage. Most of them had got it from...
  2. H

    Help battery use/restart

    So. I use battery mix and track my usage like crazy. I still thing my battery dies horribly fast. Anywho, I noticed that if for whatever reason I restart my phone (usually lack of data etc.) that when I do so, it uses 10% of my battery. Eg. it will go from 56% to 46% when it comes back on...
  3. H

    Help wireless hotspot

    Do I have to have the phone rooted to use the hot spot thing? I tried it out the other day 'cause I don't use the computer much and I'm thinking of getting rid of my internet. I tried to connect it, and on my computer it showed the two computers but not the little globe and it said local...
  4. H

    question for those with sprint branded phones

    Hey guys. To those who have a sprint branded phone....does the NASCAR app work??? Are they only the purple phones? I'm thinking of exchanging mine so I can have the NASCAR sprint cup mobile lol.
  5. H

    Help Music library organization

    So the one thing that annoys me to no end is poorly organized music. I'm just putting some on my Evo. Attached is a screen shot of my laptop....everything looks normal, yes? When I put it on the phone, 2 separate albums of the same name come up. One has 2 songs in it, the rest has the...
  6. H

    Apparently my evo is no longer a phone . ..

    So sometime last night while my phone was in my purse at work the phone and people/contacts part disappeared.... As of right now I have no idea how to make a phone call. (however the wallpaper issue I mentioned in my other thread has fixed itself. Yay.) .I don't know how to post pics in...
  7. H

    first thoughts and wallpaper issues?

    I picked up my Evo yesterday and man do I love it!! I traded my MT in for it with the BB protection plan because it was having major software issues, especially this past week. I thought it was awesome timing for the phone to crap out because I've really been wanting the Evo! I just had to pay...
  8. H

    unlock/phone options issues

    For the last two days everytime I hit the unlock key the "phone options" thing (power off, airplane mode, etc) thing comes on the screen. Yes, I know this is triggered by the same button, holding it down, however that's not what I'm doing. I've had this phone for a yearish and I've never had...
  9. H

    How the heck can I get to "my files"? And music player question

    So I'm confused. I've pulled out my SD card like 5 times and have shoved it in the computer and all my music is there. Then when I go to the phone's little music player, only like half the albums show up. I want to get to "my files" on the phone to look at the SD through the phone and see...
  10. H

    apps from sd

    So im posting from my new triumph...it was already on the shelf at bb. How do i install apps from my sd? When i go to settings apps on sd it says there is none there. But i can gaurantee theres plenty. There is also no "my files" on this phone....
  11. H

    Help drivers?

    I downloaded the drivers in the sticky thread at the top, but it says these driver installation is not supported by processor package? Wtf does that mean lol. I can't even mount my SD card on this comp :(
  12. H

    Help Not having things close when screen locks?

    I find it soooo annoying to have to go back into whatever I was doing whenever the lock screen thing comes on when your backlight times out. Is there a setting for this that you can change?? It's really annoying when I'm playing games or looking something up online. I'd like to have whatever...
  13. H

    Help gps/location after factory reset

    Hi friends! I did a factory reset this morning cause I thought it might fix a few small issues. Now the phone can't get my location like for google maps and fancy widget or some other stuff. Well it can't get it at all. And yes, in settings use gps satellites and use my location checked, also...
  14. H

    Help mystery notification?

    so up in my notification bar in the top part sometimes this random notification appears...it's a white hexagon (I think that's what it is...been years since I took geometry:p) with a number on it...looks similar to the twitter notification but it's not that. When I go into notifications by...
  15. H

    Help locking the phone while on a call

    So my Eternity used to lock the touch screen when I was on a call so I didn't hit buttons with my face. This one doesn't seem to do that and I haven't found a setting for it. I'm sick of putting calls on speaker or muting them with my cheek. Is there a setting for this that I'm just not seeing??
  16. H

    Help Big clock?

    I'd love to have the big clock/weather thingie like you see in the Evo commercials and a few others. Is that an app/widget? Or is that phone specific? I think it's really cool...hahha. Also, I'm wondering about themes....like making the colors of the phone different and the icons and...
  17. H

    Apps installing but not downloading on VM intercept

  18. H

    Help Apps installing but not downloading on VM intercept

    Hey guys, n00b here, just wondering if anyone else has had this problem...certain apps will download just fine with no problem, but a few others (Angry Birds Seasons & Talking Santa..hhaha) downloaded but didn't install. You know under the downloads tab in the market it'll show your percent...