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  1. RideZeLitenin

    Screen Ghosting?

    Anyone notice some bad ghosting with the droid 4's display? Coming from my old LG Ally, which never had this issue, this is something I am not used to seeing...
  2. RideZeLitenin

    Root How easy will Rooting be?

    Since the Droid 4 has a locked bootloader, will there be any difficulty "unlocking" this phone to make it open to custom roms and so on? I'm coming straight from the LG Ally which had no such issue, and I'd definitely miss having root if I were to upgrade to the D4.
  3. RideZeLitenin

    N64oid not showing up in Android Market

    So far I've searched everywhere on the Market but I cannot find N64oid anywhere. Virtually every other app I can think of is available and downloads fine, however... it's just a problem with N64oid. I went to the Android Market website and still no luck... When I try installing it to my...
  4. RideZeLitenin

    Slide-Out vs. Touch Screen keyboard

    It seems that most people nowadays are perfectly content with a touch-screen only phone, while I do really like having a slide-out keyboard. For me, it's also frustrating to see most all the new, more powerful androids are all without slide-out keyboards. But on the other hand, I could see how...
  5. RideZeLitenin

    Root Velocity 1.0 Boot Loop Problem

    First thing's first, I should just let you know that I'm a rooting noob and Velocity 1.0 is the very first rom I tried flashing on my ally. After flashing it and rebooting, it never got past the startup screen. Ever. I tried holding the SEND + HOME + END buttons after removing/reinserting...
  6. RideZeLitenin

    Sega 32x Emulator?

    Does anyone know about a Sega 32x emulator ever being made for Android? Sure, the system was VERY short lived, however it'd still be very fine to have an emulator for the system made for Android. I realize how the Genesis has been emulated quite well and put on the market (gensoid), I wander...
  7. RideZeLitenin

    Are there any decent Gallery apps?

    .....or are we just stuck with the stock photo gallery, which I dislike very, very much. It's slow, lackluster in features, and currently I'm having all-around technical issues with it. I've searched for quality gallery apps in the market, but haven't found any free ones that seem worth...
  8. RideZeLitenin

    Photos don't show up in Gallery....

    I have an issue with the gallery. All of the sudden it won't display any pictures, period. I had 'em all on the SD card, which has always stayed in my phone and hadn't been unmounted recently. I've tried rebooting the phone, un/remounting the SD card, I've checked all the files (which are...