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  1. J

    Root changing battery icon

    Ok so forgive me for asking but as this question involves tweaking os files it is pretty important as far as not messing up. The battery icon is a one percent increment icon for this phone right? Will using any icon that is the same increment in Rom tool box work? Anyone change just the battery...
  2. J

    Root Lock screen replacement

    So I was thinking about it and want to get an app that lets me change my music from teh lock screen if possible. Any lock screen replacement apps out there that can do this?? and or music players?
  3. J

    Root Widgets not selectable on ADW

    So I just got this phone today and its freaking sweet. Rooted cwm and all that. Now I just cant figure out why widgets like my beloved power control widget isn't available in ADW launcher yet works just fine on the stock launcher??? Anybody encounter any stuff like this?? Id love to have...
  4. J

    Root 2 noob questions

    Hi all, Getting this phone tomorrow and just want to make sure i do things right. So my first goal was to make sure I'm running zva. But i just want to make sure the rooting process works on zva..? It does right? And what's the best way to update to zva if i don't have it? Oh, and I'm also...
  5. J

    Root Tip and questions

    Hi guys, I have been just drooling over this phone lately and so I went on here to read about it. I have a couple questions but can probably help you guys a bit too. First, http://androidforums.com/optimus-m-all-things-root/301922-every-root-user-should-read.html , this a thread I made...
  6. J

    Root swype

    Anyone here like swype? and if so have you updated it like I have. I am using the newest one and its pretty sweet. I can post instructions on how to do it if anyone needs. Basically you gotta just uninstall the stock one, delete is lib file and dal cache file then use the beta.
  7. J

    Root Get flash working

    So I just watched an easy tutorial on how to get flash legit working on this phone except the links for the flash player itself and the lib file you need to get it working are down. Anyone have these so I can flash it up? Here is the vid for anyone interested. Flash Player For Samsung...
  8. J

    Transparent widgets.

    So I have seen quite a few places lately that there are sweet transparent skinned versions of the widgets we use like google, winamp, pandora, and many many others. However after successfully installing a couple of them they work completely perfectly, however they are not at all transparent and...
  9. J

    Root Every root user should read this!!!

    So I have successfully updated the swype keyboard on my phone and it is eeons better than the hidden word pop up ridden stock one. Also this version is WAY more accurate and I read that our versions actually deteriorate in their ability to predict words that we swype due to a weird algorithm...
  10. J

    Help Question for the smarties :)

    So I'm trying to install a fancy transparent version of the google quick search widget we all love. After renaming the original system app googlequicksearchbox.apk to .apk.bak and then moving the new fancy one over I cannot get the option to add the new one as a widget to my homescreen. Here...
  11. J

    Help Upgrading stock swype and other....

    Hey guys, Ive looked a few places and it seems that updating our stock swype keyboard is possible but we have to delete a few of the old files. I was wondering if anyone has tried this or was thinking about it? Reason being I have heard the new swype beta is much better and more accurate...
  12. J

    Help Voicemail icon

    so for the life of me I can't figure out this one. Whenever I get a voicemail I have to restart the session by hitting five, or the icon won't go away. I've deleted a bunch of em but that never works. I have to restart with five or call back. Any ideas?
  13. J

    Stock Screen Protector?

    Hey again everyone, I recently applied another screen protector to this phone and noticed that it looked like it already had one on it. Has anyone else noticed a stock screen protector? I am wondering if it is where I bought the phone, or whats going on? There definitely appears to be a...
  14. J

    Root Welcome back Guys!

    I just wanted to keep it positive and welcome back a couple of great posters AndyO70 and Asadullah who have been away for a bit. Hopefully these guys will remain around to contribute to this form since they put a great deal into what has gone on here :). Good to have you both back!! Oh, btw...
  15. J

    Help Worst phone before upgrading?

    So I saw in another post that someone had upgraded from some 1st gen touchscreen or 3g phone or something and they had thought that this was a big step. As a pc gamer Im pretty swift on technology but not in the cellular department. I upgraded to this phone from an ORIGINAL 1st Gen RAZR. Can...
  16. J

    Root talk.apk

    Hey again all, I have been diong some reading regarding this talk.apk and whether or not its safe to remove. People are saying that its necessary for the market to work, and I found out that this is true with browser.apk, but after removing talk.apk (google talk) I have had absolutely no...
  17. J

    Help Help Please

    Ok guys, I am kinda an idiot. So after reading a bunch, getting prepared, and overtweaking, I have removed the browser.apk and odex files, well moved but moving back did nothing. So now I am trying to fully recover the phone and am having problems. I am trying to follow andys method to recover...