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  1. Prime85

    Root [T-Mobile] Where is everyone

    This is the best forum for android out there and no one ever posts anything. All my other android phones on this site had so many people in them!
  2. Prime85

    Google Chrome Beta

    Google Chrome Beta available in the market
  3. Prime85

    Root Touch Screen CWM

    Here is a touch screen version of CWM created by plastikman CWM Touch Screen Version Directions on how to install can be found here. Keep in mind its still in Beta so it might have some issues but soft buttons still work
  4. Prime85

    Android Popularity Growing

    I found this chart very interesting and i remembered someones post a week ago about if android market will ever be bigger then the iphone app store. This chart shows android market growing exponentially!!!! :D
  5. Prime85

    Market error

    Just wondering if anyone else is getting an error when downloading apps. It says error unable to.complete order or something like that.
  6. Prime85

    Root Playing with AVD ICS

    i was playing around with ICS in AVD and i am glad to see that with ICS we dont have to have those soft keys on the bottom of the screen since that would just take up space on the screen that we dont have. Galaxy nexus screen was made bigger to accommodate those softkeys as well as get a true HD...
  7. Prime85

    Carrier IQ

    I have been hearing alot on the news lately about carrier IQ tracking information like keystrokes and URLs on androids and iPhones. Well just so every one is at ease I looked everywhere and could not find the software. Also I figured I would doublecheck so I used trevE's security app that checks...
  8. Prime85

    Root ICS from source

    How hard would it be to compile an ICS rom from source for the esteem? Also would we need a custom kernel for the drivers or did it not change much from GB to ICS?
  9. Prime85

    Root How to stop some of the lagging.

    First you will need to download an app called "android system info" Once it has been downloaded open and go to the tasks tab, this will show you many running tasks (more then just going to running tasks in settings) Look through these and you will see many apps that are running in the...
  10. Prime85

    Bluetooth stereo headset buttons.

    Does the buttons on the Bluetooth headset (volume, pause/play, skip track) work with the optimus m?
  11. Prime85

    Root Google video hack.

    Google has blocked rooted uses from viewing rented videos from them. Here is a hacked Google video apk that will allow viewing of rented movies on rooted androids. This only removes the block on rooted phones from the viewing of the rented video from the market. It does not let you keep the...
  12. Prime85

    ShadowGun works perfectly

    ShadowGun is a 3rd person shooter with great graphics from android market. This males me wonder why Gameloft won't let us play their first person shooters on here when shadowguns graphics are much better and runs perfectly smooth. I think this has something to do with the manufactures paying...
  13. Prime85

    Root System Rom partition. 1Gb

    The system rom partition is 1.01gb for this phone. Out of that over 600mb are free. Hopefully when we get a recovery we can shrink this to a more acceptable amount and add the extra to the internal system memory.
  14. Prime85

    Root How to change second boot screen (Need linux for this method))

    [Guide] Replacing "G-Tablet" boot logo (UPDATED) - xda-developers
  15. Prime85

    Root Group your widgets

    Tired of scrolling through a large list of Widgets group your Widgets together. www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-news/81714-app-appwidget-picker-makes-selecting-widgets-simpler.html Must be added to system/apps to work.
  16. Prime85

    Root Carrier name in notification

    Does anyone know a program to view/edit an XML file within framework-res.apk. if I can edit the file I can change the carrier name.
  17. Prime85

    Root Warning do not change boot animation.

    I really recommend no one changing there boot animation till a recovery has been made. It seems most people who try have bricked their phone. I repeat do not alter boot animation!! Or change system fonts
  18. Prime85

    Gingerbread keyboard

    Who has an apk for the real gingerbread keyboard. I found one on the market but I'm not sure if the guy changed it. I don't like the LG keyboard
  19. Prime85

    App update problem

    Ghis is more annoying then anything but i constantly get app update notifications from the market and Shen i go to update there are no apps that need updating. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
  20. Prime85

    Root Mobileupdateclient.apk

    Mobileupdateclient.apk is in the system apps folder. Has anyone tried deleting this? I am guessing this is the app that allows the FOTA. if it is maby we should find out before they push a root fix on us.
  21. Prime85

    Home Screenshots

    Everyone post your home screenshots.
  22. Prime85

    Free paid apps :-) (NOT PIRATED - WE SUPPORT DEVELOPERS)

    I bet a lot of people are coming here thinking it is pirated apps. We don't condone pirating on this site. Support the developers. Now back to the topic. Most probably know this already I've been doing it for a month now but the noobs might not know. The Amazon market app gives away a...
  23. Prime85

    My new ICS lockscreen

  24. Prime85


    Anyway we can get more use out of the RAM on this phone? Its only showing 290 even though it should have 512.
  25. Prime85

    Battery Graph

    I found this kind of amusing. Take a look at this graph. The times when on 4g and The times with a steep slope line up perfectly. Then when it shows my phone on Wifi the slop levels off. it is amazing how perfectly the steep slope lines up with 4g!