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  1. F

    Samsung Galaxy music player doesn't like OGG files

    I've had my Samsung Galaxy Victory for four months so far and like it. Though I like it even more after rooting and removing a lot of Samsung bloatware. One Samsung app I do like (or that at least has a feature I like) is their default music player app (v. 5.0.5). Not even close to a perfect app...
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    Alarm not going off

    Having an issue with the alarm. For some reason, it just does not go off at the right time in the morning, but will whenever the phone decides to wake itself out of its own slumber. I do have Battery Defender on it, but isn't that just for switching off the data connection? Also not running any...
  3. F

    Is there a launcher that's fully compatible with crapware-loaded Go Launcher?

    Decided to take the plunge and start updating my Go apps today. Was hesitant since the Go folks have gotten kinda nasty with push ads, promo texts and ridiculous pimping for their other apps and services. Did Go Launcher first and I'm sorry I did. Now I've got two new apps in addition to Go...
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    Help SMS backup app won't connect to Gmail

    SOLVED!! Appears that I didn't whitelist this in DroidWall (thought I did). SMS Backup+ has been working well for me for the past year, and has done a really good job backing up text messages to my Gmail account. However, recently it has not been cooperative. I installed a few other apps...
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    Opera Mini 7 really sucks!

    I was initially excited about the release of Opera Mini 7. The old version was a fantastic browser that just needed some updating. So, Version 7 was released. It seemed fine at first, then after each successive update, it just became straight-up awful. Web pages rendered really bland and ugly...
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    Root Can't connect to Wi-Fi

    For a long time, even after rooting and flashing, Wi-Fi connected with no problems. For the past week or two, it shows as connected, but displaying white bars instead of green. Other than that, it's not connecting fully and I can't get data over Wi-Fi. I tried a fixer app but it didn't do the...
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    Is VM getting tough on rooting with new TOS?

    I was browsing VM's Facebook page, and allegedly, they're starting to send out texts announcing TOS changes. Rumor is, they'll terminate customers who they find out are rooting or tethering their phones. I don't tether, but I sure as hell rooted, and it's the reason I've kept this phone and...
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    Root Need to move dalvik-cache folder to SD

    Been having some issues with the dreaded Market "invalid file" error. First, I moved the 01mdalvik file to the sd-ext folder. It cleared up my market issues, but now I have two huge dalvik-cache folders hogging up my internal memory. I can't move these. Is there a way to move these without...
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    Root Installed a Mount2SD script, phone stuck on splash screen

    I have been having problems with my dalvik cache, and rather than reflash with an updated ROM (which I SHOULD have done), I found a script here: [script] Mount2SD - An All-in-one to sd-ext script (v4.2.0 Updated Apr 12, 2012) - xda-developers So, I went into recovery and installed it from the...
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    Root CM7 ROM - PC now says phone doesn't support Bluetooth file transfer

    I often use my PC's Bluetooth connection for quickly swapping files between my handset and my computer (without using the USB). I flashed the CM7 ROM on my phone a couple weeks ago, and now, when I choose the 'file transfer' option, I get the following: Device 'LG-VM670' does not support...
  11. F

    Optimus V Software Update from VM

    Some of you may have received a text from Virgin Mobile regarding a software/security update for the V. Looking through their Facebook page, it is legit. LG Optimus V Software Update However, there is some concern over whether this is a good update to install. Some are saying that it could...
  12. F

    HE-AAC (AAC+) in Android

    Anyone else here using AAC+ audio files on their phones? I'm not talking about Pandora and various webcasters streaming in the format (have had good results with it), but encoding music in the format. For those of you wondering, AAC+ is a newer format that enables very high quality at very low...
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    Help Animated GIFs in MMS - not receiving at all

    Someone attempted to send me a MMS message the other day with one of those sparkly "Happy 4th Of July" messages on it. The next day, she asked why I didn't respond to her text. To which I replied "What text?" Led to a brief screwball comedy moment until I realized, 'hey, if I can send/receive...
  14. F

    Help How do I free up internal (non-SD) storage?

    Here's the problem: I'm running a bit low on phone storage (down to 21MB). So far, I've moved as many apps as possible to my SD card (16GB). Also uninstalled some crapware that I don't use (SCVNGR, Twitdroyd, etc. -- or so I thought). Have also cleaned various caches. Thing is, I have even LESS...