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Search results

  1. Megaxyu

    Moving Log screen ?

    Hi all, is there any way to have the log button (as in the one on top you select from contacts menu as in Logs, Contacts,Favorites,Groups) on the main screen as a single click? So I don't have to first go to contacts and then select it ? Maybe make a shortcut to it somehow ? I am on a...
  2. Megaxyu

    Log Button

    Hi all, Not sure if this is possible, but is there any way to have the log button (as in the one on top u select from contacts menu as in Logs, Contacts,Favorites,Groups) on the main screen as a single click. So I don't have to first go to contacts and then select it ? Maybe make a shortcut...
  3. Megaxyu

    Cartoon Wars

    Hi, When I run cartoon wars on my SGS2 it keeps freezing and forcing close. Does anyone know why this happens and if there is a fix ? I am not rooted. Any advice would be great.
  4. Megaxyu

    group txt app ?

    Hi all, Not sure if there is such a thing, but I am looking for an app that would allow me to send a txt to more then 10 people at a time. Now the catch is I also want it to distinguish the number that selected as a default number so that I don't have to select a chosen numbers for each phone...
  5. Megaxyu

    Help New user here - some questions

    Hi all, I finally got my new Samsung Galaxy SII yesterday (Bell Mobility), and as I started playing around with it, I got a few questions. This is my first Android phone btw so total noob here. First off, when I make a contact a favorite (star next to name) it adds the name into the...
  6. Megaxyu

    Galaxy Nexus vs Galaxy S2X

    Sorry if this has already been posted but the search function seems to not want to work for me. I am signing a contract with Telus within the next week and have two options the Galaxy nexus or the S2X Aside from the fact that the nexus comes with ICS already and the better screen, what...
  7. Megaxyu

    Hi all!!

    Hi, I am new to android, will hopefully get my Samsung Galaxy SII X (same as T-mobile) in the next couple of days. Just wanted to know if there is a thread here with a simple start guide i.e what should I download where to go whats good to setup etc. Thanks in advance
  8. Megaxyu

    Bluetooth to IR

    Hi, I am new to the Android, and the forum, so I apologize if this has been discussed before, search did not seem to turn anything up. I would be interested in a device to convert Bluetooth signal to IR/RF in order to control AV equipment and maybe Lights and thermostats, is there such a...