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  1. E

    Data roaming in Canada?

    My friend is moving to toronto and I'm wondering if the Evo will work there with sprint network or do they even have sprint in canada... it would be great video conference? thanks in advance...
  2. E

    Help "NO" Voicemail Notification

    Hi EVO'rs, Can someone help me why I'm not recieving voicemail notification as well voicemail icon on the task bar. I just checked cause my mom had left me a message sunday and she told me today and I told her I didn't get it? But when I checked my voicemail I had over 10 voice messages but...
  3. E

    Bring on the Iphone4 To Compare with Big EVO!!!

    Yes, I want to see what this " Iphooney" thing... has against our Beautiful EVO. I have all these iphone friends telling me how great it is and is the best thing that ever happen in mobile world. I know I could name a few things that our Evo has vs. the new iphone coming out. 1. Flash...
  4. E

    4G Service

    So went to a graduation party 30 miles from Boston Natick/Framingham and got 4G service and it had "Good" reception...It looks like is getting closer... Sweet!!!!:D Anyone also around the area please post to see how coverage is coming. I live in sturbridge,Ma and know I can't get but i tried to...
  5. E

    Samsung Moment

    Just got my EVO! So want to sell my Moment! 6 months old and looks like new! I will throw in 2-3 cases!:D PM me for price$$$ Thanks!
  6. E

    Swype on Evo

    can someone please verify if swype is available on it? I could not live without it specially with it huge keyboard! I must have on it!:)
  7. E

    Help Speaker and ear Volume on 2.1

    I don't understand why? But now after I got youtube working? For some reason I could only hear through ear but not speaker? Can someone please help? Its annoying and not sure if someone chaneged a setting? had my friend played with my phone now that is 2.1 and i just went to youtube and now I...
  8. E

    Help swype on 2.1 Can't get to work

    :confused:can't find anything regarding on moment? Anyway had swype with 1.5 and worked awesome...downloaded on 2.1 and if i recall its a different version then from what i got before? did get this from sdx-forum downloaded but when i swype it does show line thru letters but keyboard beeps and...
  9. E

    Help swype on 2.1 on sd card

    So I have 2.1 and want swype back on my screen? I downloaded to sd card thru SDX but can't seem to activate thru the sd card and don't want to download to phone to save on storage...can someone tell me how its done? and has anyone tried swype with 2.1...i really loved it in 1.5...thanks!
  10. E

    Root Now with 2.1 Leaked! When can we expect Sprint's version?

    :confused: So now that allot of folks here are running the 2.1 beta version? It has quiet down the expectulation on when we will recieve the lastest & greatest 2.1 update from Sprint. That being said I know that this has been brought up on other forums, But do you think Sprint 2.1 release will...
  11. E

    Help OpenHome Wallpaper?

    :confused: Open Home turned the 'crop' feature of my wallpapering to portrait from landscape and I can't figure out how to put it back. Now every screen has the same background, whereas it used to slide the background a little for each screen. My wife has openhome and works on hers! Don't know...
  12. E

    Nexus one to be offered with Sprint

    Fresh out of the press! Just got this alert and wanted to share with you all...This will make some of us Happy! Though I'm very happy with the moment...this Time I placed the link...
  13. E

    Help Opera Mini Browser on the moment?

    Has anyone downloaded the new release Opera Mini on The moment? What they think of it? Do you think is worth it? Thanks,
  14. E

    Help Unlock Screen Apps?

    Has anyone downloaded an app to unlock the home screen than the stock dots that come with phone? If so could you please give a good feedback? Did a search and found nothing on the moment? Thanks!
  15. E

    2.1 Update March. 26th

    Well peolple just got a Google alert stating from xda forum of two Sprint guy agreeing on that date!
  16. E

    HTC Legend or New Rumored phones???

    Hi Sprinters, Just curious why we haven't heard of anything new down the pipeline with new android phones? supersonic seem to die...now that we are getting the HTC legend which looks pretty nice! But not to happy with 600mhz processor...So I was wondering was up! Not that I care cause I'm not...
  17. E

    Help SD Card and cashe?

    Hi, I search around and did not find a thread on my subject? But for the love of me and can not find where it gives you the option to Check off box, to save to SD card? I thought it was when you were on the web? Can you please let me know where is located, also do you all think is necesary to...
  18. E

    Samsung Moment Charger?

    Hi, Wondering if anyone has one these in the link below with their moment? Thinking of purchasing and would like a little feed before I purchase? Thanks! Amazon.com: Advanced Car Mount System FM Transmitter & Charger for HTC Hero / myTouch 3G / HTC Dream / Samsung Moment and other Google...
  19. E

    Help 2.1 Update on the Moment?

    Hi, I'm a novist with Android platform as well as for touch screens! So what is it that we can expect with the 2.1 update on the moment?:rolleyes: 1. More home screens? 2. Better Fuctionalities? 3. Animations? at least that what the sprint gut told when i bought the phone? 4. Performance, as...
  20. E

    Help Email Notifications

    I don't know what the heck is going on with our moments? My wife and I are not not getting any email notifications even though i did use to get some? I only have one account set up which is yahoo on both phones, and nothing! So unless I check maually to see if i got anything i won't know until i...
  21. E

    Help adobe Flash player & facebook pop-up?

    Can anyone tell me if there's an app where i can get Flash player? I like to get to see my local weather videos and can't get it due to NO adobe flash player? Will this be something we'll have with 2.1? If so I guess I could wait? As for facebook? How do I get to alert me in pop-up...
  22. E

    Help Facebook-HELP!

    Hi, I also got a new moment for my wife and i accidently dragged down and went to trash? I got one from the market but I like the original better! Anyway I can get back the original that came with the phone? Is driving me crazy...Thanks!:mad:
  23. E

    Help Calendar Aps?

    Hi, I recently got a moment, added ATK Advanced Task Killer, Chompsms, and loving it! But now for some reason my stock calendar when I open goes black and i have to hit menu to see calendar vs. B4 it just went to the month menu? I realy don't care for this ap as is pretty boring? Plus is asking...
  24. E

    Help Yahoo-Incoming Server Help

    Set could not finish? password or user name incorrect? But when I do it in the outgoing seem to go thru? I'm not recieving any messages? Please help thanks!
  25. E

    Help Help- Got my new moment

    Well after long waiting I got the moment! So far so good and really enjoying my first smartphone... Now How do i get the phone screen to go to sleep when charging? Can't find anywhere how to do this? Is this normal? It does get pretty warm and not sure if this is good for the screen? When is not...