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  1. R

    Galaxy Tab S2 & Side Sync App

    I just wanted to check in to see if anyone else has tried this application on their Tab S2 yet. At first, this application sounded really useful, and an answer to Apple's phone calling / texting capabilities between iPhones & WiFi iPads (you can answer a phone call or reply to a text from your...
  2. R

    Help S6 Edge Motherboards for Sale?

    My S6 Edge has taken liquid damage. I sent it off to Samsung to see if it could be repaired. They returned the phone back to me broken, stating that there is corrosion on the PBA components. I've been looking around on the internet for a S6 Edge motherboard to see if swapping it out would help...
  3. R

    Help S6 Edge Has Liquid Damage...What To Do Now?

    Thanks in advance for any advice offered... Some orange juice spilled on my S6 Edge and caused liquid damage to PBA (motherboard) components. (By the way, thanks to all that called for a "cooler" looking phone...now it can't withstand a splash of liquid, but that's another post in another...
  4. R

    Accessories S6 Edge Work With Samsung Multimedia Dock?

    Hello All, I used a Samsung Multimedia Dock (w/ USB & HDMI ports) with my S4, and found that my new S6 Edge will not fit on the Micro-USB plug on it. Anyone else having issues using their S6 with older Samsung multimedia docks?
  5. R

    How to Get Natural Skin Tones with S5 Camera

    My wife has recently made the switch from an iPhone 5s to the SGS5 and loves the phone so far...except for the camera. She is a shutter bug and is really disappointed with the unnatural skin tones of portrait shots, compared to what she was able to get on the 5s. I know Sammys are known...
  6. R

    External Storage (SD Cards) in Android L

    My understanding is that there have been some restrictions placed on storing data on external SD Cards since the KitKat update. I take lots of photos and having the ability to have pictures I take save to a SD Card is an attractive feature...but seems this restriction would require me to...
  7. R

    Help Email Client (Non-Gmail) Will Not Sync

    I've noticed recently (not sure if it's from the last Android update) that my Hotmail account will not sync. In the past, it was set to "Push" updates, and would show new emails as they were delivered. I've set it for "Push" updates and it will not bring in new emails. If I click on the...
  8. R

    Question Regarding Aftermarket Launchers

    I'm using the Google Now launcher on my Galaxy S4, but noticed that it seems to lag at times. My question is, does the default launcher (TouchWiz) continue to run in the background, when running an aftermarket launcher? If so, could I improve the performance of my aftermarket launcher by...
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    Help All Calendar Widgets Showing Holidays 1 Day Off

    Hi all, and thanks in advance! A buddy of mine just picked up a new HTC M8 and noticed that the holidays, indicated on any one of several calendar widgets used, shows holidays 1 day earlier than the actual holiday (IE, US Independence day showing on July 3rd instead of July 4th) I've...
  10. R

    Help Question on TouchWiz Default Texting App

    I have a friend that just switched from an iPhone to the S4 and pointed out a small quirk in the TouchWiz default Texting App. When a text message comes in, the lock screen will show a notification that lets you know you've got an incomming text, but you cannot jump to the text message by...
  11. R

    Will Note 8 Get Same TouchWiz Features as S4?

    I picked up an S4, shortly after release, and have been very pleased with all the additional voice / motion control features introduced by the version of TouchWiz that came with it. I've recently been looking into a 7-8 inch tablet, and tried out a Note 8. Despite the Note 8.0 & the S4...
  12. R

    Screen Resolution When Using Multimedia Dock

    Just wanted to see if anyone else has had this issue, and hopefully found a resolution. I picked up a multimedia dock for my S4 (also used for Note II) that has the 3 USB & HDMI port in the back. My intention was to use a DVI adapter to hook it to my monitor as an Aux input to switch between...