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  1. Jerry-rigged

    Verizon Voice mail App - how to get rid of it?

    Howdy gang- For many years (going back to my Moto Droid OG) I have been using Google voice as my voicemail. Loved it, VM to SMS text was great. Fast forward to a few months ago, I got an android update to my Note4, and they added the Verizon Voice Mail app. Apparently, it overrides the...
  2. Jerry-rigged

    Verizon extends return time for Christmas-

    Howdy gang - I was in my local VZW store this weekend asking about their normal 15 day return policy. Found out that from now till Christmas, VZW is extending the return window until Jan 15 on all devices sold. So if you buy now, you have a month to play, and if you are gifting the phone...
  3. Jerry-rigged

    GS3 screen shots not working?

    howdy gang - My GS3 was getting real lagy, battery life was getting bad, even with my zerolemon, so last week I did a factory reset. Life is good in GS3 land again, I forgot how snappy this phone can be.! :) BUT - my screen shots are not working now. Before I would swipe the screen...
  4. Jerry-rigged

    Root [Verizon] Is the bootloader locked?

    Howdy gang - I am currently running a GS3, and thinking of moving to a Note 3. (I am not waiting for the Note 4, and would not get it if it came out tomorrow). My question - Is the bootloader for the N3 locked? If I root, do I have free access to flashing ROM's? Is there a good...
  5. Jerry-rigged

    Root [Verizon] Root, 4.4.2, and bad cell reception?

    Howdy gang - I am thinking of going root on my GS3. like so many others, the 4.4.2 update is just not working. I don't have most of the issues others are reporting, but my cell reception has gone to he!!. I can't make or recieve calls at home or at my desk at work anymore. So my...
  6. Jerry-rigged

    4.4.2 and now bad cell reception...

    howdy gang! anther 4.4.2 issues thread, yea! My Verizon GS3, updated to 4.4.2 about a month ago. Now I have very bad cell reception. 3g/4g does not seem to have changed much, but when inside almost any building, I have no cell service. I have done the *288 several times, and it has not...
  7. Jerry-rigged

    Noticing a lack of N3 battery threads...

    Howdy all! Getting close to new phone time, and the N3 is on my short list. My last phones have been a Gnex and GSIII, both of which can't make it thru the day without a break on the charging cable. Battery life is something I am wanting - without getting a big 'humpback' aftermarket...
  8. Jerry-rigged

    S-PEN - Handwriting to text?

    Howdy Gang - I am really interested in the Note 3, but I thought ya'll here might help me out... Does the S-pen in the Note do handwriting-to-text, like the old Palm devices did? I figure if the note and N2 did this, the N3 probably will to...
  9. Jerry-rigged

    Replace GNex, or wait 6 months?

    howdy gang- So I drowned my Gnex (for the third time). No problem, I have a warrantee, and an upgrade on my account, for my son's phone - but he usually gets the hand-me-down phone, so no worries (so I thought)... So I check into Big Red, to see my options. #1, $100 to get a new Gnex...
  10. Jerry-rigged

    In praise of a small screen phone

    A few weeks ago, I drowned my GNex (for the second time). I've been running this phone for about a year and a half, and decided instead of paying to replace it, I would just re-activate my old Motorola Droid (OG). About three days in, as I was leaving work, per my habit, I put the phone on...
  11. Jerry-rigged

    Jelly Bean and Sky Map apps-

    Howdy gang - Is there any known issues with JB and sky-map apps? I don't actually use the SKY MAP app, but I use SkiSafari and SkEye. Since the JB update, they don't follow the phones movements to track the sky, instead they both just randomly float around... Help?
  12. Jerry-rigged

    Anyone else NOT using the battery cover?

    Howdy gang- I am about a month into my Nexus ownership. Overall, loving it. Previous phone was a Moto Droid (origonal) that was rooted, rom'ed, over clocked, under volt'ed, the whole stick. So far I have not felt the need to do anything to my GNex - it is smooooth and fast. but anyway - Has...
  13. Jerry-rigged

    Verizon spare battery charging kit?

    Howdy gang- New Nexus owner here. I purchased the vzw "spare battery charging kit" with the phone. So far, thru about a half a dozen charges I have only gotten one battery to charge to a green light. Most of the time, they charge for an hour or two, then give me a blinking orange light...
  14. Jerry-rigged

    Root Copying files to uSD with CM7 running on uSD

    Howdy gang- I figured out something today I thought I would share. I am running CM7 off the SD card, and one of mu frustrations has been that I cannot copy anything onto the SD from my PC via the USB cable. Today I figured it out. Go to Settings->Apps-> development and uncheck "USB...
  15. Jerry-rigged

    Upgrade Credit?

  16. Jerry-rigged

    Is the Kindle Fire the NookColor upgrade "we" have been wanting?

    So on that other thread, there were a lot of people wanting an upgraded, duel core Nook Color. The new KF seems to be a nook-beater in most "tick box" comparisons (only thing it lacks is an uSD). Anyone with a NC planning on ordering a KF? Myself, my NC is doing everything I ask of it, so...
  17. Jerry-rigged

    Root uSD card help

    Howdy gang- I've been running my NC off the uSD, I've got 2 cards, one with CM7 and one with Nookie Froyo "Custom" I pretty much have not used the NFC since getting CM7 running, and now I want to recycle that card back to FAT32 duty. It came from one of my Droid Phones, and I'd like to send...
  18. Jerry-rigged

    Help Can you calibrate the NC screen?

    Howdy gang- Does anyone know if you can calibrate the touchscreen? I am having issues with apps that have icons in the extreme top right corner of the screen - this corner does not seem to want to "see" touches. The Nook for andorid app has the search icon in this corner, and I can't select...
  19. Jerry-rigged

    Now a 2 nook family...

    Went into the local B&N, needed a new USB cord (BTW, don't roll it up, put it in your back pocket, and sit on it. the plug housing is pretty weak.) After spending a bit of time in the BN Nook Shrine, the wife decided she needs one, and we came home with a 2nd Nook Color... :D Thanks...
  20. Jerry-rigged

    Help how to get PC to see more than "boot" - NookieFroyo

    Howdy Gang- I want to move some files to my NC. I am running Custom Nookie Froyo off the uSD card. When I connect the NC via USB to my PC (XP), the PC only sees the "boot" partition of the uSD. Using an external reader, I only see one partition, "boot". This partition is very small (200mb...
  21. Jerry-rigged

    Root SCREECH! when I answser a call...

    Howdy gang- Does anyone else get this - when someone calls my D1, when I answer the call, the caller hears a loud "SCREECH!" The wife is really getting annoyed with this... I am currently running Droid concepts v10, but I have had this issue with past ROMS too... Also It didn't do this...
  22. Jerry-rigged

    How To Wifi Tether - Ad Hoc vs. Infrastructure

    As I understand it , the "standard" tether apps (barnacle, wifi tether) used with the D1 only generate "ad hoc" networks... Does anyone know of a way to get an "infrastructure" wifi network out of the D1? Is there an app for that?
  23. Jerry-rigged

    Root How to get the NC to boot off the uSD?

    Howdy gang- I think I am missing something very basic regarding the Nook Color. I can't get it to boot off the SD. I have tried three different "Flashes",two different Nookie Froyo builds and one Clockwork Mod. In every case, I have followed the guides to the letter, and when I get done, I...
  24. Jerry-rigged

    Root Can you get Root with 1.2 without adding a ROM?

    Howdy- I am still trying to figure out how to get my NC to boot off a SD with android on it. Most all the instructions start with "first make sure your NC is rooted"... then refer me to a thread that installs Cyanogen or some other ROM... Is there a way to root and keep the "stock" BN 1.2?
  25. Jerry-rigged

    Help Need a shortcut for "Back".

    Anyone know of a shortcut for "back" while browsing on the Nook Browser? Only way I can figure out how to go back is to scroll to the top of the page for the back arrow... On long Forum threads, that is a PITA... Anyone got a Back Shortcut? Anyone? Anyone? Bueler?