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    Help shaky screen

    I was wondering if anyone else screen shake, after you flick scroll and then hold the screen.
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    Hey I got the ICS update and now whenever I connect my phone to my pc it wont read that my phone is connected. It make the noise when it connects, and my status bar tells me slow charging, but nothing else happens.
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    Root Stock Rom?

    Does anyone have a link to complete stock because I need to call verizon for a replacement?
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    Root Heating up

    Does anyone else's phone heat up a lot? I notice when I use it its starts heating up quickly and it eventually reboots.
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    Ice Cream Sandwich

    Hey guys Lenovo released ICS, heres the link: Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4) Vanilla - Lenovo Community
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    Help Ally stuck on Android loading screen after boot

    Well I was trying to load up a theme on my lg ally with metamorph and after it rebooted it wont go past the android screen It just stays on a loop. I removed the battery and Ive tried to reset it using the up, home, and end call thing but it didnt work. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do?