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  1. D

    Help factory reset

    I have lost all vibrate notifications and have checked everything i can think of. If I do a factory reset, will I have to download my ringtones again? (I paid for some) I hate the thought of not having all of my things set up the way I want them to do (plus losing things I paid for) but I also...
  2. D

    Help hancent quit vibrating

    So, all of a sudden handcent quit vibrating at all. I cant figure out why or what I could have done to cause this. I have checked and rechecked all of the settings. The main reason for me using it is because I kept missing messages and handcent allows to make at least longer vibes. anyone...
  3. D

    speed dial

    I was editing one of my contacts and finally found speed dial settings. However, when I went to another contact I couldn't find the option again. Anyone know how to set speed dials? I know it has th voice dialer but i'd rather just tap a number.
  4. D

    visual voice mail

    Am I missing something? I subscribed to vz visual voice mail. I like that you dont have to dial to get to your voice mail but I was under the impression that it made your voice mail into text and I for the life of me cant find that feature.
  5. D

    Help handcent sounds

    I installed handcent and I cant get the notification sounds to work - I have checked the phone sound settings as well as the handcent notification settings and everything seems to be set right yet no sound for texts. It does vibrate when I have it on vibrate. Help??
  6. D

    any way to get stronger vibrate

    i'm thinking not, but is there any way to make the vibrations stronger for message alerts? This is the phones only downfall for me so far...i love my new toy