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  1. paulscode

    Apps App Development Training Course Project

    Hello, everyone.. it's been a while since I posted on Phandroid. My last big project you guys helped me out with was Mupen64Plus AE, which is really turning out great, BTW! I wanted to let everyone know about a new project I'm working on to create a training course on how to write Android...
  2. paulscode

    N64 emulator with touchpad support

    I've been working on an N64 emulator for Android, and recently wrote a version that supports mapping buttons and analog controls to the Xperia Play touchpad. Thought I would post here in case anyone is interested: Mupen64Plus, Android Edition (AE)
  3. paulscode

    Apps OpenAL for Android + Java interface

    Hello all, I'd like to announce my port of OpenAL to Android. This one includes a Java interface, which will allow you to add OpenAL to your Android projects without having to play around with c/c++ and JNI. It should work on all versions of Android back to 1.5. For those familiar with using...
  4. paulscode

    Apps Pop up the virtual keyboard

    Anyone know the code used to pop up the user's currently selected virtual keyboard (besides setting focus to an editable text field)? I know it is possible, as I've seen apps that do this (the Apple ][ emulator on the Android Market, for example), but I haven't seen example code for this...
  5. paulscode

    Apps NDK, Eclipse - Native Libraries Won't Build

    Hello, all. I'm still new to the NDK and Eclipse, so this is probably an easy question. I have source code for several libraries that I want to have built into libs/armeabi/libNAME.so. Reading the documentation, it seems like all I should have to do is put the libraries into individual...
  6. paulscode

    Apps Porting Mupen64Plus to Android

    Having been out of the emulation scene for a few years, I recently decided to play some of my old N64 ROMs on my PC. I went with Mupen64Plus 1.99.3 for the emulator, and I was so impressed with the program that I had to dig around in the source code. I really like the modular nature of this...
  7. paulscode

    Apps NDK Newbie Getting Started

    I have a (possibly overly) ambitious goal of writing an N64 emulator to sell on the Android market. I have a great deal of current experience programming in Java, and past experience in C++ (I'm a bit rusty, but its like riding a bike ... I hope ;) ). I have a little bit of experience...
  8. paulscode

    Apps Access Video Frames via MediaPlayer

    I am trying to devise a way to access a playing video's current frame into a Bitmap context, without actually displaying the video on the screen (i.e. it is "playing" in memory, but not visible). Digging through the documentation, it seems one way would be through a SurfaceHolder interface...
  9. paulscode


    Howdy, I am Paul. I live in Maryland, and work as an Arabic cryptologic linguist in the Air Force. In my free time, I am a Java developer, and I'm planning to try a little 3D game development for Android.
  10. paulscode

    Apps Developing 3D Audio Library For Android

    Hello, all. I am new to Android development, and I am planning to write a 3D audio library for use in 3D projects/games when stereo is available (headsets, external speakers). I have a lot of experience with Java (I've written a 3D audio library that is being widely used by Java developers)...