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  1. foreWard

    [International / GSM] Help - xp wont let me see phone files via usb

    I know this is probably a stupid question, but I can't figure it out after 2 days. I was able to unlock and root my phone using adb and fastboot. But the other day when I connected my nexus to my computer (wondows xp) I had the "perform this action in the future box checked" and selected "do...
  2. foreWard

    Help POP email syncing issues....

    OK, I have a POP email address for work, and it seems like it will go days at a time without notifying me of new email, then all of the sudden send my 50 new emails.....do I have to open the htc mail program for it to sync? I want my emails to automatically be sent to my phone....does anyone...
  3. foreWard

    Root 8/27 ota...

    Doesn anyone have a link to the .zip for the ota rolling out today....I cant get to some of the file sharing websites from work, and I tried Dl'ing the RUU from over on xda but my comptuer wouldn't let me run it and find the rom.zip Thanks!
  4. foreWard

    Root Re-rooting...

    Ok, I have unrevoked 3 and forever on my phone...I am thinking about downloading the leaked ota and gettign it over with.....it seems I will "lose root" until I re-root after installing froyo. How the heck do i do that? Run unrevoked3 again, or what? I apologize if this is a dumb question...
  5. foreWard

    Root Stock Recovery.

    So, the consensus is that you need "stock recovery" on the inc in order to get the new ota..... I understand that it will take be back to stock, I just need to know the process works....can someone run through what I need to do real quick? Right now, I am rooted with unrevoked3 and have...
  6. foreWard

    Root Noob question....

    I DL'ed and ran the unrevoked3 program. It did its thing and said done....it rebooted and looks exactly like it did before....questions: 1) how do I know if it is rooted and ready to go? 2) how to I make changes, like allow mobile hotspot and cool stuff like that? I wont even get into...
  7. foreWard

    Help Google Earth Issues...

    Whenever I open google earth, it immediately says "this application requires an SD card" and a quit button....I have an SD card installed and it works properly......any ideas?
  8. foreWard

    EVO 4G battery in Incredible????

  9. foreWard

    Accessories EVO 4G battery in Incredible????

    I dont know if anyone else has looked into this, but I have been back and forth on the extended battery idea, thinking about the 1500 battery from somewhere or the seidio ext. battery.....well, noticed the evo battery is red, so it would keep the cool theme for the internals in the INC if it...
  10. foreWard


    OK, I have set up a favorites widget, which is awesome that I dont have to go thru the phonebook to get to the people I call the most.....but when I set the favorites, some people have a "card" in the corner of their pic on the widget and it brings up their contact info.....a couple of other...
  11. foreWard

    Syncing Contacts

    I just got my first android phone and set everything up last week. i now have groups and stuff in my gmail/google voice contacts that arent on my phone (used vzw backup to oginally get contacts on my phone) i would like to now update the contacts on my phone to match the ones in gmail and good...
  12. foreWard

    Incredible first impressions

    Thought I would go ahead and get this thread started since some of us have recieved the phone.... hopefully we can keep this going for a while even after the official release!
  13. foreWard

    shipping notification....

    This will probably turn out to be some sort of mistake, but I wanted to share this with everyone. So I called vzw today to preorder the incredible....I am coming from a BB tour which I had to replace 5 times, so a rep said she would notate my account for a 2 year upgrade when I found a phone I...
  14. foreWard

    Whats up

    Hi, my name is Ward. I am a long time Blackberry user who is probably going to convert to android when the incredible comes out. BB has just fallen behind the times and i am bored with it. I hope the android will be as much of an obsession as BBs have been for me the past few years. Any...