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  1. joephoton

    Help Can't view photos after copying them to computer

    What is the deal? I have 90 photos taken with my Photon plus a few videos. And a couple dozen photos taken with Paper Photo ap. I have transferred all the files to my computer (Windows 7) but I cannot open any of them to view. I have tried with about four different windows photo viewing...
  2. joephoton

    Buying my mopho(ton) and how I beat sprint 3x

    Photon Rox I dropped my LG Rumor one too many times and so I had to get a new phone immediately. But my upgrade was 47 days away. I called Sprint but they said they couldn't do anything about it. Well, I went into BB and was gonna get an HTC Evo something (since I had had an HTC EVO 3G long...