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  1. B

    No equalizer in Google music player?

    Is it because of Beats?
  2. B

    What's a good prepaid plan/carrier to use with the One given these needs?

    I need about 300 minutes a month and 2GB of data. LTE would be nice, but I'll settle for HSPA+42. Don't care for text messaging (GVoice) but everyone's including unlimited text these days anyway. Planning to get the "developer edition" so that would mean unlocked and able to work with all...
  3. B

    Root [International] Anyone come from a Galaxy Nexus or Nexus 4 (or AOSP)?

    My only Android experience has been pure Android on Nexus devices (not including briefly playing with friend's Moto, Samsungs and HTCs). I'm currently on a N4 and contemplating getting the One. Having never even seen it in person, I'm sold on the hardware. It's the software I'm worried...
  4. B

    Do you leave GPS on all the time, or only as-needed?

    Just seeing what everyone's habits are... I only turn it on when I need it (Maps), but it's annoying to wait for it to lock onto satellites.
  5. B

    How many of you are keeping the original plastic on the back of the N4 as a 'protector'?

    I left the plastic that came with the phone on the rear, took off the front screen plastic and put on a Poetic bumper. I didn't use a screen protector on my GNex for 6 months and had 0 scratches. Lets see how this goes. :D
  6. B

    Help My GNex has gotten slow to the point where there is a delay in turning the screen on

    The series of events is as follows: I press the power button Nothing happens I press the power button again, within a second, thinking that perhaps I didn't press it hard enough Screen turns on Screen turns off immediately after 16GB GSM GNex, 4.2.1, stock, not rooted I won't say that...
  7. B

    For those of you who don't use a case, how has the body held up?

    I have a TPU case on mine and everytime I take it off for cleaning, the GNex just feels so much more sleek and sexy. I'm tempted to just leave it off but I'm afraid the cheap Samsung plastic won't hold up well to nicks and scratches. I keep mine is pristine condition, still no scratches on...
  8. B

    Help Maps is constantly running. Is it due to Google Now?

    I've forced stopped it several times only to see it respawn another process. It's keeping the cpu awake and hence chewing up my battery. My best guess is Google Now is using it.
  9. B

    Help fuzzy pdf

    Has anyone tried reading a PDF on their N7? Have you noticed the portion that's not currently centered is fuzzy and out of focus? It looks very pixelated, most noticeable in the text, as if it were a low res display, or anti-aliasing was disabled on a gfx card. Zooming in/out does not fix it...
  10. B

    Help Google Now stopped talking to me

    It answers my questions but doesn't talk to me. Speech Output is set to 'Always speak'. Google on my Nexus7 still talks to me. Is it mad at me?
  11. B

    Is something like Apple's Airplay in the works for Google devices? Namely for audio only

    I have a receiver (Pioneer) that supports Airplay and it's great being able to walk around the house and control the music from my ipod touch. On top of that, there's an app that lets me control the receiver as well. Pioneer makes an android app to control the receiver as well, so I'm set...
  12. B

    Help Jelly Bean and ICS Browser+ don't play nice?

    Ever since my phone updated to JB, I've been getting "Unfortunately ICS Browser+ has stopped" everytime I've tried opening it. The stock browser and Chrome both work fine. Is there incompatibility between the two?
  13. B

    For those of you on JB...

    How's the delay/response on the app switcher (recent apps) soft button? That's the biggest issue I have with the responsiveness of the phone. There's latency when tapping that button to when it actually registers, then a little more delay before the recent apps page opens up.
  14. B

    Help The spacebar is too narrow for my liking. What are my options?

    I like to use my right thumb to hit the spacebar and it naturally lands where the period is on the stock ICS kb. Is this customizable in anyway? 3rd party kb's?
  15. B

    Does the GNex (ICS) support true multitasking?

    Was reading up on the competition, Windows 8, etc. and an article stated that it had "true" multitasking, leaving only iOS to be using pseudo multitasking. So I take it that it means that ICS has true multitasking as well but I'm not so sure about this. Whenever I switch between 3+ apps, it...
  16. B

    Which browser are y'all using?

    The stock ICS browser is pretty good IMO. The only feature I would like is a shortcut for immediately scrolling back to the top (like the home key does on a desktop). IIRC, I believe some 3rd party browsers allow for that with the volume up/down keys?
  17. B

    Help GPS doesn't work unless I turn on Google's location service?

    If I only turn on GPS satellites and then try to use Maps to track my location, I always get "your current location is unavailable". It's only when I turn on Google's location service that the phone is able to tell where I am, leading me to believe that it's triangulating my position with cell...
  18. B

    ICS can't have a different sound profile for message alerts and phone calls?

    Trying to set up profiles where the phone will ring at night, but not alert me for emails, text msgs, IMs, etc., but the app (Llama) says this is a new change in ICS that disallows it. Really??!?!
  19. B

    Browser touch responsiveness poor. Adobe Flash's fault??

    Using the stock browser (yes, I know there are 3rd party browsers out there), I noticed that there was maybe 1/2s delay when swiping the screen, and the page scrolling, or pinching and the screen zooming. I uninstalled flash, because I noticed animated ads that may or may not be flash, but...