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actions on google

  1. Android News

    Google Assistant now launches specific tasks in Android apps

    Google has added 7 new languages for Actions with Google, which is the underlying platform Google Assistant uses. It also brings improved Android app integration and better geolocation capabilities.
  2. Android News

    Alarm.com has released its Actions for Google Assistant

    Alarms.com has released its new Actions which can be used with Google Assistant. These actions allow you to lock your doors or disarm your security system through voice dictations with Google Assistant.
  3. Android News

    Google announces the Actions on Google Developer Challenge

    In an attempt to get more developers using the Actions on Google platform, the company has announced an open challenge for developers. Over 20 prizes are available including a trip to Google I/O 2018.
  4. Android News

    Actions on Google is coming to both Android and iOS

    Until now, Actions on Google has been limited to Google Home and the Google Assistant SDK, but today the company announced it is coming to both Android as well as iOS.
  5. Android News

    Google's Assistant Developer Platform API will launch in December

    The Google Assistant can do quite a bit on its own, but Google wants the new platform to be a lot more powerful. To do that, it will be allowing third-party developers to create their own "Actions on Google" with the release of a new API which will be made available in December.