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  1. Android News

    Samsung opens a new store in Havana, Cuba

    Samsung has announced that it has opened a new shop in Havana as the company looks to move into Cuba. The store will display products such as TVs, refrigerators, and smartphones.
  2. Android News

    Google becomes first foreign internet company to go live in Cuba

    After the deal was initially signed in December, Google has become the first foreign internet company to offer service in Cuba.
  3. Android News

    Google is bringing the Chrome Web Store to Cuba on October 19th

    Chrome developers are starting to receive an email from Google about the expansion of the Chrome Web Store into Cuba. The change will take place on October 19th, and all Chrome extensions will be available in the country if they are set to "All Regions."
  4. Android News

    T-Mobile will let customers use their phones in Cuba this summer

    T-Mobile is preparing for a future where people can openly travel to Cuba. The company has announced a deal with De Telecomunicaciones De Cuba, S.A. (ETECSA), the Cuban telecommunications company. Users will be able to use their service while traveling in the company. Furthermore, T-Mobile will...
  5. Android News

    Google wants to help improve internet access in Cuba

    This President Obama making his historic visit to Cuba this week, Google has announced that it is in the "early stages" or looking at how it can help improve internet access in Cuba. While there are several internet providers already operating in Cuba, adoption rate is extremely low and the...