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  1. Android News

    You can now use Facebook's camera to make GIFs, but there's a catch

    Facebook has sneakily added a new feature to its app's camera. Some people are now seeing an option that allows users to make a short GIF directly through the camera, which can then be shared on Facebook stories or on your page.
  2. Android News

    WhatsApp now allows you to share 30 media items at once, incorporates Giphy's GIF search

    A new update to WhatsApp makes it easier for its users to share media. The app now allows users to share 30 media files at once. However, most people will be more excited to hear that they now have Giphy's GIF search integrated right within the app.
  3. Android News

    WhatsApp is now starting to support sending videos as GIFs

    WhatsApp has been rumored to be including the ability to send videos as GIFs for some time after instances appeared in an earlier beta release. Now it seems that WhatsApp has flipped the switch as more users are being able to perform this task within the beta app.
  4. Android News

    Twitter increases GIF file size limit to 15MB, but only on the web

    If you're a fan of uploading GIFs onto Twitter, then you've probably been hit with the size limit message before. This limit used to be 5MB, and while it still is 5MB on mobile, the company has increased the file size limit to 15MB on their web client.
  5. Android News

    Viber adds support for GIFs in messages

    Popular messaging service, Viber, has added support for animated GIFs in messages. They work pretty much exactly how you'd expect, considering most messaging services already support GIFs. Viber also added backup and restore functionality, and the ability to send money with Western Union.
  6. Android News

    Fenix update brings Twitter GIF support

    With Twitter adding official GIF search to their apps, third-party developers are starting to follow suit. The latest update to Fenix brings the ability to search for and share GIFs in Tweets.