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google fiber

  1. Android News

    Google Fiber CEO steps down after five months

    Five months after Google announced it was shaking up Fiber and putting broadband veteran George McCray in charge of the division overseeing it, McCray has stepped down. The company is seeking a replacement but hasn't named anyone.
  2. Android News

    Google Fiber begins construction in Louisville despite AT&T lawsuit

    Google Fiber is beginning construction in Louisville, despite an ongoing lawsuit filed by AT&T and Charter, as well as the recent layoffs in the company.
  3. Android News

    The FCC could come to Google Fiber's aid as they fight to compete against AT&T

    Google's fiber division has gone up against a number of regulations in various cities, but this could be reduced soon. A new FCC proposal could reduce the maximum waiting periods from 5 months to just a couple.
  4. Android News

    Google Fiber reportedly canceling installations in Kansas City

    A new report claims that Google fiber is cancelling installations across Kansas City. Unfortunately at this time, there's no mention as to why the cancellations are occurring.
  5. Android News

    Google is preparing a 4K set-top box for Fiber customers

    An FCC filing revealed that Google has been working on a 4K set-top box which will be made available for Google Fiber subscribers.
  6. Android News

    Google has announced their Webpass internet service is coming to Denver

    Google Fiber has changed their goal of running fiber to the home and is instead focusing on wireless internet. Dubbed Webpass, they have announced this service is coming soon to Denver, Colorado.
  7. Android News

    Google is restructuring Fiber as a wireless public WiFi service

    According to Wired, Google's new direction for Fiber will be to enable public WiFi through WebPass technology. This would allow you to seemingly connect to the same WiFi network no matter where you are in a city while enjoying consistent speeds.
  8. Android News

    Raleigh residents can now sign up for Google Fiber

    You can now sign up for Google Fiber is you live in Raleigh, NC. For now, residents and businesses must be located in the North Hills midtown area of Raleigh, but Google should be expanding to additional neighborhoods in Raleigh in the near future.
  9. Android News

    The FCC says AT&T's claims about the One Touch Make Ready ordinance are incorrect

    Earlier this year, AT&T sued the local government in Louisville and Jefferson County claiming that their One Touch Make Ready (OTMR) ordinance conflicts with the procedures created by the FCC. However, today the US government on behalf of the FCC says these claims are incorrect.
  10. Android News

    Comcast is suing Nashville over a new law that helps Google Fiber

    Google has been trying to roll out fiber internet to customers within the city of Nashville, but ISPs like Comcast and AT&T have been holding things back. So now Comcast is suing the city of Nashville in hopes to overturn a city law titled One Touch Make Ready, that could help Google with their...
  11. Android News

    Google Access will pause potential Fiber cities, announces layoffs, and focuses on new tech

    The CEO of Google Access just confirmed he is stepping down as CEO of the company, but also reveals some additional details. The company has paused development of "potential Fiber cities," will be laying off some of its staff, and wants to enhance their focus on new technology and deployment...
  12. Android News

    Google Fiber has completed its acquisition of the wireless ISP Webpass

    Back in June, we learned that Google had plans to acquire the wireless ISP known as Webpass. The acquisition has just been completed and Google Fiber says the company will deploy both fiber and wireless services now.
  13. Android News

    Google Fiber will be coming to Nashville, but AT&T is preparing to sue

    The Nashville Council approved an ordinance to allow Google Fiber into the city, but it will be preparing to face litigation from AT&T.
  14. Android News

    AT&T and Comcast reportedly helped write a plan to stall Google Fiber in Tennessee

    It's being reported that both AT&T and Comcast helped to propose the plan that is currently stalling the Google Fiber rollout in Nashville. While AT&T denies writing the proposal, but instead answered questions laid out by Councilwoman Weiner. Comcast has declined to comment on the report.
  15. Android News

    Google announces an updated UI for their fiber TV service

    Google's fiber company offers a number of different services from internet to telephone and even TV service too. They have just announced a huge update to the Fiber TV service that completely overhauls the user interface and they're telling us that current customer will get the update "in the...
  16. Android News

    Google Fiber says they'll start rolling out fiber service in North Carolina soon

    Even though Google Fiber recently laid off a number of employees, the company is still rolling out their service to new communities. The latest move was just announced on the company's Facebook page, where they announced those in Morrisville, North Carolina would start to be connected in "the...
  17. Android News

    Google Fiber needs access to 44,000 poles in Nashville to complete its rollout

    Google Fiber was launched in Nashville back in April of this year, but to complete the rollout, Google needs access to 44,000 poles within the city. Google says they are not allowed access to these poles because AT&T and Comcast have yet to perform "make ready" work, that would allow them to...
  18. Android News

    Google Fiber can't access AT&T network poles due to not being a qualified cable provider

    Google Fiber has been hitting some snags in the road recently as it continues to increase coverage across the nation. A new report states that the reason why AT&T battles against Fiber is because Google is not a "qualified telecom or cable provider."
  19. E

    Google Fiber, AT&T and Comcast fail to agree on terms in Nashville

    Google had planned on rolling out their Google Fiber service in Nashville, Tennessee, but thanks to failed negotiations, that doesn't seem likely anymore. Google wants to use the city's utility poles in a way that AT&T and Comcast aren't happy with. Google says if they can't use the poles in...
  20. Android News

    Alphabet CEO reportedly ordered Google Fiber to cut its staff in half

    The Information is reporting that Google Fiber's 5 million user goal is no where close to being hit. As a result, the report claims that Larry Page is making Craig Barratt downsize their staff from 1,000 to 500.
  21. Android News

    Google Fiber internet goes live in Salt Lake City

    Google is planning to roll out Fiber internet to 24 locations across the US, but one place is getting it right now. Fiber officially went live on August 24th in Salt Lake City, Utah. The initial rollout covers around 112 blocks near the state capital. The rest of the city will get Fiber in the...
  22. Android News

    Google Fiber will be testing its wireless internet in 24 new US areas

    Getting fiber internet to everyone around the country is a daunting task and would cost way too much money thanks to the cost of connecting up 'the last mile.' Google has been experimenting with ways around this by using the 3.5GHz wireless band to beam it into your home and now Google will be...
  23. Android News

    Facebook hires Google Fiber co-founder Kevin Lo

    After co-founding and working for Google Fiber for 5 years, former Google Executive Kevin Lo has left to join Facebook. Lo will be joining Facebook as the Director of Infrastructure Connectivity and Investments.
  24. Android News

    Google Fiber has just acquired Webpass, a gigabit internet provider

    Google Fiber is slowly but surely expanding into new cities, but this latest acquisition just might speed things up a bit. Webpass is a gigabit internet provider in San Francisco, San Diego, Chicago, Boston, and Miami, and they have just been acquired by Google.
  25. Android News

    Dallas named as the latest potential city for Google Fiber

    Google has just announced that Dallas is the next potential city to receive Google Fiber capabilities. The exploration and discovery process is still in its infancy, but Google will be working to figure out when the city will receive Fiber.