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google i/o

  1. Android News

    Google uploads a highlight video from Google I/O 2017 for Android

    There were a lot of announcements made at Google I/O, but today Google uploaded a highlight video that showcases the big news for Android.
  2. Android News

    Summary video of Google says it was only boring if you're not paying attention

    Some publications this year complained that Google I/O was boring because the company didn't announce any new hardware. However, Michael Fisher from Mobile Nations believes it was great for the audience it was intended for (developers and enthusiasts), and that Google I/O doesn't have to be a...
  3. Android News

    In Android O, Google is adding in APIs to Android to make colors look the same across devices

    At Google I/O today, Roman Guy spoke about some new APIs that will be included in Android O that focus on colors. The goal is to allow developers to create an application that looks the same on all devices, no matter how different the color calibration is.
  4. Android News

    Google is beta testing a Chrome OS emulator and you can sign up right now

    Google announced that they want to help application developers create a better large screen experience for their apps. This will mainly be for Chrome OS, so today the company announced they are beta testing an emulator so developers can test their applications.
  5. Android News

    Google says encryption and lock screen usage is higher than ever

    At Google I/O this week, it was revealed that more people are using encrypted Android phones and lock screen security than ever before. They said encryption usage for Android Nougat is about 80%, and 70% of those on Nougat are protected with a lock screen.
  6. Android News

    Google talks about all 101 announcements from Google I/O 2017

    Google had a lot of things to announce this year and recently gave a summary of 101 things that were announced over the last three days.
  7. Android News

    Android Go has a redesigned Overview page that reduces latency and memory usage

    Android Go will be Google's way to take advantage of the extremely low-end smartphone segment. This will mean that various aspects of the OS will be changed and one of those is the new Overview screen we've gotten so used to.
  8. Android News

    Dave Burke talks about Google's Fuchsia project at Google I/O

    While Burke didn't go into details about it too much, he was asked about Fuchsia at Google I/O this year. He mentions how it is an early project, there are a lot of smart people working on it, and that it could pivot and morph and it evolves.
  9. Android News

    Google I/O video shows what is new in Android

    Every year at Google I/O we see Chet Haase and friends get on stage to talk about what is new in Android. Google has published this standalone video and it can be watched right now.
  10. Android News

    Google says GPU drivers can be updated from the Play Store in Android O

    During a fireside chat at Google I/O this year, someone asked what new things could have been overlooked during the event. Romain Guy answered this question by saying that in the next version of Android, GPU drivers can be updated directly from the Play Store.
  11. Android News

    Google adds an app directory to Google Assistant

    It hasn't always been easy to find out which applications support Google Assistant, but now Google is helping to organize things a bit. The company just announced an app directory for Google Assistant at Google I/O this week complete with categories and sample commands.
  12. Android News

    Video shows what a day is like at Google I/O 2017

    Droid Life just uploaded a summary video to show off some of the events that are taking place at Google I/O this year. The video shows some of the booths, the lounge area and more.
  13. Android News

    Video recap gives you a rundown of the top 5 announcements from Google I/O 2017

    MKBHD has just uploaded his top 5 announcements that were made at Google I/O this year and it includes things such as Google Lens, using Google Assistant to place orders, notification dots for Android O and more.
  14. Android News

    Here's a collection of pictures from Google I/O 2017

    Android Central has been taking a lot of photos at Google I/O this year and they recently combined them all into a gallery for you to look through.
  15. Android News

    Google Play App Signing is a new feature from Google which stores your signing key in the cloud

    At Google I/O today, the company announced a new feature for developers to help them manage their APK signing key in the cloud. This will help to prevent your signing keys from being maliciously destroyed as well as not worrying about using the same key on multiple applications for simplicity.
  16. Android News

    Google talks about making the battery menu actionable with Android O

    Google feels that people are helpless when they look at the battery screen on Android and sees an application using too much battery life. In Android O, the battery screen will show battery drain as a percentage, how much of your battery an application used in the foreground vs the background...
  17. Android News

    Google is working on a way to optimize the size of APKs for developers

    Applications seem to be getting bigger and bigger these days, but Google wants to help. During a Google I/O session today, the company talked about a new feature that can shrink the size of APKs by removing redundant resources.
  18. Android News

    Google’s TensorFlow AI platform play is showing a lot of progress

    Yesterday during Google I/O's keynote, Sundar spoke about the progress Google has made with AI and their TensorFlow platform. This has resulted in the company releasing new hardware, applying those new features to multiple services and even using AI to make better neural networks.
  19. Android News

    The EmojiCompat support library will let older Android devices have newer emojis

    At Google I/O, the has announced a new support library called EmojiCompact. It's this new feature that will allow Android 4.4+ devices to use even newer emojis that get added to the system.
  20. Android News

    Google announces the Actions on Google Developer Challenge

    In an attempt to get more developers using the Actions on Google platform, the company has announced an open challenge for developers. Over 20 prizes are available including a trip to Google I/O 2018.
  21. Android News

    Google is letting any developer create Android Instant Apps now

    We recently saw the Stack Overflow application was compatible with Google's Instant Apps feature and now it looks like the platform is available for all developers.
  22. Android News

    Devices at Google I/O show a Google search bar below the dock icons

    At Google I/O, the company is showing off the latest version of Android on a few Pixel phones. Someone was able to grab a photo of one that showed a search bar tucked right under the dock icons on the home screen.
  23. Android News

    Google says Android TV's version of Android O will come with a redesigned home screen

    While this wasn't mentioned during Google I/O, in blog post the company did say that Android TV would be getting a revamped home screen with the big Android O update.
  24. Android News

    Video shows off WorldSense technology, a way Google will track head movements in VR

    At Google I/O today, we learned that Google would officially be working with OEMs to make a standalone VR headset. They're able to do this, and track movements, thanks to a collection of sensors and technology they're calling WorldSense.
  25. Android News

    Google says the ASUS Zenfone AR will be available this summer

    ASUS revealed the Zenfone AR a while back, but it's been a while since we heard anything about the device. Today at Google I/O though, it was revealed that ASUS will begin selling it sometime this summer.