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  1. Android News

    Creating stronger OLED panels with the help of graphene

    A team from South Korea has managed to replace the indium tin oxide currently used in OLED panels with graphene, which makes the screen considerably more durable.
  2. Android News

    Researchers make a graphene superconductor

    Researchers at the University of Cambridge believe they've found a way to make a graphene superconductor that doesn't need to be chilled in order to be useful.
  3. Android News

    Huawei introduces graphene-assisted Li-ion batteries which can withstand higher temparatures

    Huawei has announced a new battery technology which uses graphene with Lithium Ion technology to allow the battery to operate in hotter conditions. Traditional Lithium Ion batteries don't fare well when temperatures reach 50°C, but the new technology allows the batteries to operate in...