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mark zuckerberg

  1. Android News

    Elon Musk says Mark Zuckerberg has a limited understanding of AI

    Elon Musk has said Mark Zuckerberg's understanding of the power of artificial intelligence is limited.
  2. Android News

    Mark Zuckerberg and President Obama will have a live discussion

    President Obama and Mark Zuckerberg will have a live video discussion today. The discussion will be regarding business and entrepreneurship, however we could hear an expanded discussion on the political importance of live video. You can watch it live on YouTube at 1:45 PM ET.
  3. Rob

    Facebook is a development shop for drones to deliver the Internet via lasers

    Mark Zuckerberg congratulated a "well-researched piece" by WIRED Magazine that explicitly states Zuckerberg wants to transform Facebook into a development shop for drones to deliver the Internet via lasers.