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  1. Android News

    Comcast is suing Nashville over a new law that helps Google Fiber

    Google has been trying to roll out fiber internet to customers within the city of Nashville, but ISPs like Comcast and AT&T have been holding things back. So now Comcast is suing the city of Nashville in hopes to overturn a city law titled One Touch Make Ready, that could help Google with their...
  2. Android News

    AT&T and Comcast reportedly helped write a plan to stall Google Fiber in Tennessee

    It's being reported that both AT&T and Comcast helped to propose the plan that is currently stalling the Google Fiber rollout in Nashville. While AT&T denies writing the proposal, but instead answered questions laid out by Councilwoman Weiner. Comcast has declined to comment on the report.
  3. Android News

    Google Fiber needs access to 44,000 poles in Nashville to complete its rollout

    Google Fiber was launched in Nashville back in April of this year, but to complete the rollout, Google needs access to 44,000 poles within the city. Google says they are not allowed access to these poles because AT&T and Comcast have yet to perform "make ready" work, that would allow them to...
  4. E

    Google Fiber, AT&T and Comcast fail to agree on terms in Nashville

    Google had planned on rolling out their Google Fiber service in Nashville, Tennessee, but thanks to failed negotiations, that doesn't seem likely anymore. Google wants to use the city's utility poles in a way that AT&T and Comcast aren't happy with. Google says if they can't use the poles in...