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  1. olbriar

    Pocket Dialing

    This afternoon, I no more than got through mowing my river property, when I received a call from a police officer. He was responding to my 911 hang up call. The call didn't show up in my call log but I must have pocket dialed the number while bouncing behind the mower. I told him that but he...
  2. Android News

    Mozilla has announced they've acquired Pocket

    Pocket is a well known application for when you want to save something to read later (basically an online bookmark tool). The service has just been acquired by Mozilla with reasons being confirmed as being both ideological and pragmatic.
  3. Android News

    Pocket's latest update will let you like and repost your friends' recommendations

    Read It Later, the team behind the popular Pocket service, has just pushed out a new update to their Android application. Changes in this update include. . . - Like and Repost actions in your Recommended feed - Notifications for when someone Likes or Reposts your recommendations - See...
  4. Android News

    Productivity Pack brings premium subscriptions to productivity apps for $69.99

    The Productivity Pack is back. For $69.99, this pack gives 1-year premium access to productivity tools. Apps include Pocket Premium, Wunderlist Pro, LastPass Premium, UberConference, Quip, Do, and The New York Ties. All in all, this bundle saves you 85% compared to subscribing to each service...
  5. Android News

    Pocket has begun showing sponsored posts in free users' recommendation feed

    In order to start bringing in more revenue, the team behind Pocket has just announced a new sponsored post system that will start showing up in users' recommendation feed. They assure readers that these sponsored posts will not be low quality content, but instead, they'll aim to make them "feel...
  6. Android News

    Pocket update brings improved and personal recommendations

    The latest Pocket update allows you to follow people to get curated recommendations from them. You can also craft a recommendations list of your own and share it with other people.