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  1. Android News

    Proposed bill would attempt to stop warrantless smartphone searches at the border

    There's been some people having trouble getting across the border of the United States without having their smartphone searched (even without a warrant). This has caused a much heated debate lately but a new bipartisan bill would require that border agents obtain a warrant or, at least, suspect...
  2. Android News

    Donald Trump has been using an iPhone lately, but still hasn't ditched his old Android phone

    It's been reported that Trump has been using an unsecured Samsung phone since he became president, but that might be changing soon. It seems multiple tweets lately have come from an iPhone, but it's unclear if that switch will be permanent.
  3. Android News

    The US Senate voted today to allow ISPs the ability to sell user data without permission

    Back in October, the FCC put some rules in place that would require ISPs such as Verizon and AT&T to have customer permission to sell their data. According to the FCC, this data includes "precise geo-location, financial information, health information, children's information, social security...
  4. Android News

    US ordered social media checks for some Visa applicants

    The US Secretary of State has ordered a "mandatory social media check" on all visa applicants. This applies to those coming from areas controlled by the ISIS terrorist group.
  5. Android News

    Prosecutors believe they can extract the data from phones that were seized during Inauguration Day

    Some court papers were filed recently from the 214 people who were rioting and protesting during Trump's Inauguration Day. There were more than 100 smartphones seized and the prosecutors think they're allowed to extract the data from the confiscated phones.
  6. Android News

    A bill introduced by the Senate would require a warrant for border agents to search your phone

    Right now, if you cross the border then US officials have the right to search your phone and you must give them your password. However, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden is preparing a bill that would require a warrant before they're allowed to search the devices of US citizens, and would forbid them...
  7. Android News

    Twitter partners with PBS to livestream Trump's speech to Congress

    Twitter recently got together with PBS to livestream the 2017 Inauguration Day and they'll be doing the same on the 28th of this month. This will be when Trump makes his speech to Congress and you'll be able to watch it live on Twitter.
  8. Android News

    The House of Representatives passed the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 387), again

    Today marks the second year in a row that the House of Representatives passed the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 387). The act would require the government to obtain a warrant before it can compel companies like Google to disclose the content of users’ communications. Now we wait to see if the Senate...
  9. Android News

    Some Google employees have staged a walkout over Trump’s immigration ban

    Trump has signed an executive order that prohibits people in 7 countries from entering the United States (even if they have a valid VISA or green card). This has enraged a lot of people and now some Google employees from 8 different offices across the United States have staged a walkout to...
  10. Android News

    USA Today announces they will livestream Inauguration Day in VR

    If you're looking forward to Inauguration Day, then you might be even more excited to watch it in VR. USA Today says they'll be livestreaming the full event in VR for those who want to immerse themselves in the festivities.
  11. Android News

    Twitter will be streaming PBS' live coverage of Inauguration Day

    The presidential Inauguration Day is coming up in the United States soon and Twitter says they will be delivering the broadcast to those who use their service. Similar to how they stream football games, you'll be able to watch PBS' coverage directly through Twitter.
  12. Android News

    You'll be able to watch the Republican and Democratic conventions in 360-degrees on YouTube

    Google has just announced that YouTube will be the official, exclusive live stream provider of the Republican National Convention as well as the Democratic National Convention. Be sure to tune in on Monday, July 18th (for the RNC) and then again on July 25th (for the DNC) if you want to...
  13. Android News

    The Washington Post releases a political Gear S2 watch face

    The Gear S2 watch face released by The Washington Post is all about the upcoming presidential election. It displays data from recent election polls, includes a countdown to the election day, and will update every 10 seconds to show you poll results from the next pairing.