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project csx

  1. Android News

    ZTE is asking the community how they would like to improve the Hawkeye phone

    ZTE recently asked for half a million dollars to crowdfund the Hawkeye smartphone and they haven't been able to get as many people funding the project as they had hoped. So they're reaching out to the community to ask what they feel should be improved on the device.
  2. Android News

    ZTE launches their Project CSX Kickstarter campaign, asks for $500,000

    When ZTE started asking the community what features they wanted in an upcoming smartphone, we didn't know they were going to start a Kickstarter campaign for it. But here we are, the Project CSX phone is now up on Kickstarter with an all or nothing funding goal of $500,000.
  3. Android News

    You can help name ZTE's unreleased eye-tracking and self-adhesive phone

    ZTE recently held a contest to find out what their community wanted in an upcoming smartphone. An eye-tracking and self-adhesive option beat the competition, and now ZTE wants to know what you think it should be called.
  4. Android News

    ZTE wants you to vote on what feature their upcoming flagship will have

    ZTE's Project CSX is a way for the company to find out what the community wants most out of their next flagship. They just put up a poll that asks what feature you want it to have the most, and you can place your vote right now.