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san francisco

  1. Android News

    Airbnb will now register all short-term rental properties San Francisco automatically

    Back in 2015, San Francisco signed a law that would require all short-term rental properties to register with the city. Airbnb didn't follow this law and had only registered about 2,100 of the estimated 8,000 hosts. However, today the company has just confirmed it has put in place a system that...
  2. Android News

    Google says they're going to open a developer startup facility in San Francisco

    Google Launchpad is getting its own developer facility and it will be opening up in San Francisco next month. The space will be located at 301 Howard Street, and the developers invited to join them will have access to over 14,000 sq. ft to build their projects.
  3. Android News

    Detour is a location-based audio tour app, and it's now available in the Play Store

    Tour guides can be very helpful as they are generally chocked full of facts and information for the place you're currently visiting. They can be expensive though and that is where this new app comes into play. Detour is an app that provides location-based audio tours. The app is pretty small...
  4. Android News

    Uber opens up its delivery service API for anyone to use

    The UberRush API can now be used by any company and developer that wants to integrate a courier service into their app or business. This is a big step for the company, but it is still limited to San Francisco, Chicago and New York.
  5. Android News

    Lyft announces a scheduled rides feature, testing in San Francisco now

    Services like Lyft and Uber are great for when you need to get somewhere right now, but what if you could schedule a ride in advance? Lyft has just announced this very feature that will let you schedule a ride 24 hours in advance. This is only a test program right now though, and it's only...
  6. Android News

    Waze launches its carpool pilot program in San Francisco

    Lyft announced their carpool program back in March and now Waze is doing something similar, but in a more restricted way. Waze has selected a number of businesses in the San Francisco area and will invite 25,000 employees to the pilot program. Both driver and rider will share the cost of gas...
  7. Android News

    Lenovo says their upcoming Tech World event will be bigger, better and bolder than ever

    Lenovo has just announced that they will be hosting their Tech World event in San Francisco on June 9th. Last year this event took place in Beijing, China but now they're bringing it stateside. The company promises to show off devices unlike we've seen before, devices that will connect our...
  8. Android News

    Sony's U.S. mobile division cuts jobs and moves its offices from Atlanta to San Francisco

    re/code is reporting that Sony has decided to relocate their US mobile offices from Atlanta to San Francisco. This move required a number of jobs to be cut, and they've also promoted Kunihiko Shiomi to president of the US mobile division.
  9. Android News

    Google announces they are bringing its fiber internet to San Francisco

    Google says they will be using existing fiber in San Francisco to bring its Google Fiber service to certain apartments and condos within the city. The company says they have more work to do before they can announce details on the service like timing and which spots they will be able to support.