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streaming music

  1. Android News

    Spotify begins testing sponsored content for music labels

    Spotify has started testing a new sponsored content option for free users of the service. This content will give music labels the ability to get their music in the ears of people for some paid promotion.
  2. Android News

    Spotify looks to continue improving its music discovery process

    Spotify has announced the acquisition of an AI-based company, Niland. The company hopes to improve upon its editorial selection and music discovery process.
  3. Android News

    SoundCloud Go adds a new $5 subscription tier

    SoundCloud has announced a new mid-tier option for SoundCloud Go. Coming in at $5, this is half the price of the new "SoundCloud Go+"
  4. Android News

    Streaming was the top form of music consumption in the US for 2016

    A new report released by Nielsen shows that users in the US streamed more than 1.2 billion songs per day, compared to the 734 million songs that were downloaded over the course of 2016. The report also shows that Americans streamed 431 billion songs over the course of the year.
  5. Android News

    Spotify to focus on profitability and a possible IPO in 2017

    Spotify is beloved by many, but the company has yet to turn a profit. That will change in 2017 since Spotify's focus will swing towards profitability. This may also include an IPO. At the moment, Spotify is valued at $8 billion.
  6. Android News

    Amazon Music Unlimited makes its official debut at $10 per month

    Amazon Music Unlimited is the newest music streaming service available. The service is similar to what Apple, Spotify and Google are offering, but Amazon does throw in a few discounts for those who are Amazon Prime subscribers. The general monthly subscription is $10, but Amazon Prime...
  7. Android News

    Spotify makes the jump to Japan with its free and subscription music services

    Spotify has finally inked out the necessary licensing deals and it now available in Japan. The invite-only beta offers a free (ad-supported) option and a 980 yen/month ($9.70 USD) subscription. Launching in Japan is a huge step forward for Spotify since it's the second largest music market on...
  8. Android News

    Amazon looking into two different music subscription services for users

    Amazon is looking into building a new music subscription service to take on the likes of Apple and Spotify, while being priced at $10 a month. The company is also looking into another option that would only work with Amazon's Echo hardware, but would be priced at just $5 per month.
  9. Android News

    Spotify pledges to help artists earn their fair share on streaming platforms

    Streaming music services have turned the music industry upside-down from a business standpoint. Spotify has pledged their allegiance to artists, announcing that they've got several projects in the works - including an artist publishing dashboard - to help them earn their fair share.
  10. Rob

    The Beatles collection finally available on 9 streaming music services

    Finally, fans of The Beatles will be able to stream their music starting at Midnight on Christmas Eve from 9 different streaming services including Google Play Music, Spotify, and Slacker.